Advice on building a river tank?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 24, 2011
Hi, I recently purchased a 55 gallon tank. I am interested in building a river tank for my juvenile water dragon. I have a great filter system I would like to incorporate, as I know the water dragon thrive in extremely clean water. You can see a pic of the filter here: Filstar XP2 Canister Filter - Up to 75 gallons - 9.5 in. x 8.25 in. x 10.5 in. | Canister Aquarium Filters | Filters | Aquarium - It has a long tube with holes that suction to the side of the tank where the filtered water comes back out. I would like to use this as a sort of waterfall.
So here is where I am stuck...How do I build this dynamic river tank? lol. Keep in mind water dragons can actually drown in too much water. I'd ideally like to have a few different pools and some totally dry area. How do I create the background and construct said pools?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Yin, the Chinese Water Dragons Keeper,
Welcome to AA!

If you can, return the 55g and get a 40B or a 75g. The 55g is tall with a narrow footprint. I think your water dragon would appreciate the extra 6" of tank width that a 40B or a 75g offers.

What are you planning to use for substrate on the bottom of the tank? I don't know much about water dragons.

If I were doing this, I think I'd put maybe 6" of sand in the bottom of the tank and sculpt a river with pools. Make all the features oversized. I'd get a can of Great Stuff and fill in the river and pools. Carve the Great Stuff into the river and pool shapes that you want. You can paint it and seal it. If you're careful, you can pull the whole thing out of the tank in once piece and put the substrate of your choice under it. Fix cracks with silicone caulk.

Hi, just wanted to say thanks for the response. Finally got some time off from work to seriously work on my project. Unfortunately, I bought the tank second hand, so I am unable to return it. I know I will eventually need a 75 as that is the recommended size for an adult dragon. I can use this as a prototype so to speak ;) I am sure once I am finished and have it for a while I will come up with better ideas for the next one lol.
I will definitely try out the great stuff idea. I will post pics whenever I get this thing going.
Thanks again!
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