African Blue Shrimp???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 18, 2003
Looking for some input. I am attempting a rescue on a shrimp. The guy who gave it to me said it was an African Blue Shrimp. I can't find anything about it. I've seen some things saying that sometimes crawfish are called blue shrimp. I've seen crawfish and this isn't like any I've ever seen. This thing looks like a shrimp you would buy in the grocery store. I'm pretty sure it was ignored in this guys tank. He was going to "get rid" of it because it always hid and he was afraid it would eat his fish.

Right now it is in a 55 gallon community aquarium and hides. I'm afraid he's not eating. I have an established 10 gallon with a single betta inside. I'm thinking that might be the best home for him. I would appreciate any information you might give. I don't want the rescue to turn into a disaster.

Is it really an "African Blue Shrimp?"
What does it eat?
What are the best tank mates?

Thank you all...
Try putting some frozen bloodworms near where he is hiding you may want to thaw them out first to get them to sink.
I had one years ago and it staked out a territory in a cave and it was extremely aggressive, killing everything but the 8-inch oscar, which was afraid of the shrimp and practically hid from it until I removed the shrimp. I would recommend against putting it in with the betta, if it is the same thing I had.
I have located a photo and small amount of information on this shrimp. It appears to be a Cameroon Blue Shrimp. However, I've found littel additional information. If anyone comes up with a link to provide more info I would be greatful.

Blue Shrimp

I've attached a photo of what I believe is a blue shrimp. I purchased this at a local pet shop a year ago at about 2 inches, and it is now about 5 inches (head to tail). It was sold to me as a blue shrimp, and brackish compatible. My specific gravity runs between 1.005 and 1.01

If this is what you have, I can tell you all about it. It is aggressive, but no overly so, at least to fish that are two big to eat. A small fish will certainly be eaten if caught. Mine eats anything, and is visible much of the time. At feeding time (sliced fish, clams, squid, etc) it comes out in a frenzy, looking for morsels, it is an excellent scavenger. I'm not sure how big it can get, but mine continues to grow.

HELP!? My question for others out there is this: My brackish fish are large enough that I want to increase my salt to over 1.01, and am even considering going to straight salt. I know my fish can handle it, but I am concerned about the shrimp. Can this thing take straight salt? It handles 1.01 without any apparent problems.

I've attached a photo of what I believe to be a blue shrimp. It was sold to me about a year ago from a local pet shop as a blue shrimp. It was about 2 inches (head to tail) and sold as a brackish water shrimp.

My tank is 180 gallons, brackish water with a specific gravity that fluctuates between 1.005 and 1.01. This “blue shrimp” is now 5 inches long and seems to continue to grow. It’s an interesting addition to the tank, and is largely peaceful (with four to five inch fish) though it will certainly eat anything that is small enough. It did however get into a bit of a brawl with my 2.5 inch spotted puffer, which resulted in some scars on the puffer, and a severely damaged claw on the shrimp. (which has since grown back) They have since left each other alone.

My question for the masses is just how much salt this “blue shrimp” can handle. It seems to have no problem with 1.01, though I am considering moving up to straight salt. My brackish fish can take it, but if I’m going to lose the shrimp, I won’t do it.

Any inputs would be appreciated.

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