African cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 25, 2012
Just watched mutant planet...they gave alot of info on African cichlids from every lake...awesome show....anyone else see this?
Malawi Freak said:
Never even heard of it. What channel was it on?

The discovery science I believe......I recorded it...started from the lakes beginnings and how Malawi was made..all the species..talked about mouth brooding...and alot of other stuff
That was a cool show, it was more about the evolution and how cichlids evolve faster then any living creatures. Went through how they evolved into mouth browsers to protect their young and some of their rivalry with catfish.
CraigMac said:
That was a cool show, it was more about the evolution and how cichlids evolve faster then any living creatures. Went through how they evolved into mouth browsers to protect their young and some of their rivalry with catfish. went into breeding and how the mbuna evolved....that one where the male bulit the snail shells into his lil castle was nice....I think I might have the one fish that they said played dead to catch its prey.....I have to do a lil research though
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