African dwarf frog mating success (eggs at least)

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 12, 2017
Hi everyone! Last night around 7pm I noticed my frogs mating, as usual. Only this time, they mated all night! Or at least until I went to bed around 2am. This morning, frog eggs... Everywhere! Floating, on stuff, just everywhere! Wicked cool... Thought I'd share ? have a great day! Two pics of mating last night and one of floating eggs. 20170829_191922.jpg20170829_204443.jpg20170830_073025.jpg
They mated for 18 hours straight and gave me eggs! The boy keeps trying to mate, constantly lol and she's running! Other than that, I don't think any of the eggs will make it... What they didn't eat yet, I'm sure they'll find before I do lol
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