African fat tailed gecko help

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 18, 2013
Manchester UK
Does anyone know about these? My girlfriend has one about 10years old.

It has stopped eating and it's tail has gone very thin. It looks like it's trying to be sick sometimes and shakes it's head from side to side rapidly. My first thought was a parasite but reading in to them more I'm convinced it is temperature related. My gf has a heat mat on a thermostat that is measuring air temperature but it never reaches the set temp. This makes sense as I am under the impression that heat mats don't heat the air but whatever they are touching. If this is the case why are they designed to work on conjunction with this thermostat?

The air temp at the warm end last night before bed was about 25 degrees Celsius. God knows what it drops to over night now winter is here. The gecko spends all it's time lying on the mat as if it is trying to keep warm.

Last night my gf help him in her cardigan for about 15 mins. When she tried to put him back he was claiming up her hand away from the vivarium but was massively more active perhaps because he's blood temp was back up. He still didn't eat. I'm on my way to get a heat lamp for now as this will warm the air and the location on the warm side substrate.

What are your thoughts on lamps and heat mats? Should we use both or would that be too hot?

The Viv is about 2 and half foot by 1 foot wood surround with front glass panels and the mat is inside the viv. Substrate is green felt mat. He has water and a moss hide on his cool side with digging dirt.

My thought are that he is using all his energy and fat reserves to keep warm and doesn't have the energy to digest food properly. He is always getting bunged up too. My gf managed to pull a huge bit of skin out of his rectum (probably not the right word) he is struggling to shed. Is this all due to him being too cold? I'm sure it is.

Any thoughts?


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