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beginner on the loose

Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 5, 2012
Im in a dilema...
I am starting a new 20 gallon freshwater tank. The only problem is I am torn between a tropical community tank or a cichlid tank. The reason I am so torn is because cichlids have such a beautiful appearance but are agressive. Is there any way to "get around" the agressive natures because I do not have the money to keep replacing the dead fish.
Thanks in advanced for all responses!
There are many dwarf South American and west African species that will work just fine in a community setup. Not all cichlids are aggressive, you're talking about a family of fish extremely large and rich in genera and species that range over 4 of the 7 continents.
Genera worth looking up:
Mikrogeophagus (rams)
Laetacara (smiling acaras)
Dicrossus (checkerboard)

West African genera:
Pelvicachromis (kribensis)

Those are gonna be you're more common and readily available (depending on where you live and your local fish stores) genera of dwarf cichlids, rams, apistos, and kribs are gonna be your most common in that list. Obviously there are many more, but that should get you started
I'm assuming you're referring to the colorful African cichlids from the rift lakes in eastern Africa (the ones that are most common are mbuna species from Malawi) in which case, no, they will not work in a 20 gallon. Much too small, most species get over 5"
What are the dimensions of your tank? Is it a 20g long, or a 20g tall?
There are also shell dwelling cichlids in addition to the cichlids mentioned by freakgecko. But, as was stated, if you are refering to the commonly seen mbuna (like the yellow lab) then this is not going to be the best set-up for something like that.
Yeah, a small Tanganyikan tank will work, like a neolamprologus species, with a pair of julidochromis or lamprologus (like leleupi) would work, they just won't be as colorful as a mbuna tank
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