AHHHH!!!! I forgot I need bb!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 10, 2011
I just realized that my fish are probably moving to there new home tonight and I dont have a way to instantly cycle it! I have a large rock that has algae and stuff on it... would it be enough? I know it will allow my shrimp to live... Plus Im moving over the sand...... Only thing going in it is RCS, 2 otos, and 12 pygmy cories. It is a 26 gallon tank...
Any ideas?
Thanks and God bless!
No, that's most likely not enough. You can transfer filter media and/or gravel from an established tank to move things along, and even then you will need to monitor the tank for toxin spikes and act accordingly.
Def get as much of the old stuff in the new tank. Also if you could run an established filter on the new tank for a couple hours would help alot. Also to be safe just do larger water changes every other day for a the first week. Then every third day for 2 more weeks. Then normals changes.
I dont have gravel just sand lol it is switching over. I could run the filter overnight until tomorrow evening probably though. Then my bro gets the old 20 and probably is going to want the filter as well lol The cartridge is just about dead probably anyway. It has been in there awhile....
Yes, just run the old filter on the new tank for as long as you can, any time will help. You should be alright.
He is starting it with 5 neons and 2 adfs. So not bad.
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