algae eater???

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 11, 2004
Ontario Canada
this is my first post and i'm fairly new to the hobby. i have a 20 gal, no plants (yet), 4 tiger barbs, 2 rosie barbs, 2 ruby sharks and 2 corys. the tank has been going great now for a few months with only 2 problems.
1, lots of algae starting to grow.
2, bought a small pleco and it died next day

does anyone have any suggestions for a particular fish to help with the algae? its dark brown and bright green in some spots..
i don't want to add another fish just to have it die. was the pleco not a suitable tank mate?

Welcome to AA. It's a great place to come for advice and to share your experience.

I personally recommend bristlenose pleco's. They stay small and love the brown and green algae. From my experience, I have 2 in my 45 gallon with cory's and everyone gets along. They are very peaceful.

You could easily put 1, possibly 2(I recommend just one though) if you have a major algae problem. Good luck!

Go to this link for a general overview of diatoms (brown algae). While it is directed towards a SW setup, it's general information is good to know. Diatoms are common in most every new tank and no amount of chemicals will do you any good to kill it. It will eventuallty go away too, with proper aquarium maitinence.

I've had success with the otocinculus catfish as a good diatom eater.

Good luck
I second the otocinclus as great little algae eaters, diatom or otherwise.

As far as the pleco, don't beat yourself up too hard...sometimes fish die from the initial stress of being moved. First he was captured (or bred in a tank with a million others), moved to a holding station, shipped to your pet store, then you took him home! That's a lot of stress on any fish. I lost a bristle nose pleco the day after I bought him and I lost a rubber pleco within a week or two of buying him. All my water parameters were fine and there was plenty of food for them, they just didn't last. That's the unfortunate thing about this hobby sometimes, sometimes fish die and you're not always sure why.

I finally have a great little clown pleco that is thriving in my 38 gallon, and he's getting big (well, for a clown pleco anyway :) ). Make sure your water parameters are good (0 ammonia, 0 nitrate, <40 nitrate) and try again.

For a 20 gallon, I would recommend the bristlenose or a clown pleco...I love my clown pleco!

Thanks for the replies..... Do I need to have a piece of driftwood in the tank? I currently don't have one.... If so, is there anywhere to get suitable wood other than at the LFS?? $$$$
Thanks again
I have a 5 inch pleco with a 7 inch cichlid that we call killer Bill a cross between somthing nasty and and just plain mean , he even takes a bite out of my finger's if my ands are in the water, but my pleco holds his own in a 55 gal tank . :D
If you get a clown pleco, then a piece of driftwood is an absolute must, as it will be a large part of his diet. And even if it isn't a clown pleco, I would still recommend a piece of driftwood for any pleco. Plecos love them, and will spend a lot of time on them.

Driftwood shouldn't be that expensive, I think I got a decent sized piece for $10 at my LFS.

yep i would say its a must for a bristle nose too, mine is always rasping on it. MN's are very good algae munchers so are otto's ottos are cuter... but BN's are beastier :wink:
what are MN's?? I got 2 otto's (1.25") How big do they get? Do I need driftwood for them? I try feeding the otto's, along with my 2 albino cory's a sinking algae wafer but the tiger and rosie barbs don't let them near it.. Is this normal? Will they be OK with just algae?
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