algae eaters

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 20, 2011
what are some good algae eaters for a 20 gallon tank?i cant do snails,my cray eats them,shes very docile to everything but snails and aggressive fish.just for the record,im not getting algae eaters to get rid of a problem,im getting them to prevent a problem.
Are cray tropical? (im just an amateur fishkeeper) . My borneo pleco is loving being in the coldwater tank with my goldfish! V fun to watch, def recommend getting a pleco!
its a tropical tank(79)and i might do ottos,do they need groups?id rather not do plecos.
3 minimum, but 5 would be best. Your tank is well established, so they'd be great for it!
If you do get the oto's and your tank isn't producing much algea, epsecially if you have five of them, make sure to pick up some good quality algae wafers and a veggie clip for zucchini or cucumber to supplement feed them :)
just a little clip that attaches to the side of the tank that allows for grazing on veggies for herbivores/omnivores

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