Algae Removal

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 9, 2012
I'm not sure how to "keep" the algae away in my tank. I clean it and it just comes back in a week I don,t know if I should use snails, bottom feeders, or products.......Any advice?:thanks:
First... try to only post one discussion at a time. It makes it easier to see what has already been suggested and is considered spam if you post too many times.

Second... We are going to need some more info. :)

How big of a tank?
What kind of fish?
What do you usually do to clean it, and how often?
How long do you leave the light on for?

Algae issues are usually caused by one of two things... Too much waste in the tank that acts like fertilizer, and too much light. The lighting issue could be sunlight that hits the tank, or just a matter of leaving your hood light on for too long.
The double discussion was a mistake. But i have a 20g tank and I have Swordtails and neon tetras. I keep my lighting on for about 10 hours and then turn it off the rest of the time. There is Blue Green algae and there is also Brown hair algae in my filter. Usually I do water changes once a week and siphon the gravel. I also clean my filter after a water change. The algae usually comes back every week and I don't know how to permanently get rid of it.
Try limiting the time to eight hours or less. Is there usually a lot of food left over when you feed?
I don't believe cories or loaches do that sort of thing. you could however look into some ottos, they would have a field day with all that algae
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