Algaefix fish killer?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 28, 2012
The other day I put algae fix in my tank and my fish kept dieing i measured it perfectly think its that???
What are your water parameters? Excessive algae is usually a sign of poor water quality which of course will harm your fish. If you don't have a liquid test kit already I strongly recommend getting one. It's one of the best investments you can make in this hobby.
Same here with the Algaefix. I won't use it again. Put it in my 16g bowfront with fancy guppies. Their behavior changed almost immediately. It's like I gave them Prozac! They all went to the top back corner, got into a tight group and just hung there almost motionless. After a few hours of this I did a 33% water change and in about an hour they went back to normal behavior. I got the algae under control with less lights-on time and another water change and a phosphate removing packet in the HOB filter.
Anything that's designed to kill something that's living is dangerous. If your water numbers were good and then all of a sudden your fish died after the AlgaeFix, I'd say it's a pretty safe bet that something in there directly (or indirectly) was to blame.

If it killed a bunch of algae at once, the dead algae could cause an ammonia spike, right?
Short of an extreme circumstance, I would never recommend Algaefix. It's a sledgehammer approach to a killing algae, with the side effects you're seeing.

In order to address your problem, we need to know more about your situation. What kind of algae is it? How old is the tank? What kind of lighting do you have? What are your actual water parameters? "Perfect" unfortunately means nothing to us, as different people have different definitions of perfect, and often people that report their water as "Perfect" only say so because an employ at a fish store told them that, and not because they measured the parameters themselves.
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