Algea problem- please help.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 3, 2014
Hi guys. In really looking for some help here, I have had algea in my tank for sometime now. I have made various changes but it just stays the same. I have a 125 litre tank with a 26 watt arcadia stretch LED and also 2x 18 watt t8 bulbs with reflectors, both for plants apparently. I'm running lights from 5pm until midnight on timer, I have compressed co2 delivering 2 bps. I add ferts every other day. I have a 1000 litre per hour external filter with built In 9watt uv light. The tank is heavily stocked. 0 ammonia in the tank.

Below are some pictures and any help would be really appreciated as I'm getting to the end of my tether.

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All advice is welcome. Many thanks
I have 2 suggestions. Use Excel daily even though you use co2. It is an algaecide as well as being a liquid carbon source. Don't over dose just be patient. Second, think about some red cherry shrimp or other algae eating shrimp. Mine do a fab job at keeping the algae on plants under control. My colony of RCS is kept in check by the fish but I still have baby shrimp that make it past 'mouthful' size, a good clump of Java Moss is a great hiding place for them.
I'm sure others will also advise you. Good luck. S.
Thanks, I did have hundreds of shrimp only a week ago, I then added plants from pets at home and within a hour all dead, I complained but still awaiting a response and treating with sea hem cuprisorb, the algea has definitely got worse since shrimp died. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392416383.129406.jpg
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