all angelfish fry dead (8 days from hatching)

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 8, 2003
GTA, Ontario Canada
I had 10 angelfish fry in 1 litre container floating in the tank. 3 days after they were free swimming they all died (same evening)
I changed 80% of water in the container every day, water taken the main tank (planted).
I suspect that the food was the problem. So here is the question:
Is it possible to raise angel fry on liquid fry food alone? I do not have BBS.
This was all I had and maybe this was a problem. I successfully raised cory fry on LFF before.
7.5 pH seems a little high for angels, they like mid 6 range and really soft water. could also try hatching brine shrimp in a separate saltwater setup for food.
The pH wasn't the problem if that's the water they were spawned in. The liquid fry food wasn't the problem either if the deaths were so rapid.

More than likely it was trying to raise them in a 1 ltr container. Alot of probs could be caused by that. O2 depletion, bacteria build up on the container itself to name just two. Changing 80% of the water likely shocked their little systems too.
thanks for reply.
water was taken from the tank they were floating in, so water would be the same they spawned in with the difference of O2 depletion and LFF rotting. This is why I kept changing water every day so that water would be clean.
Is it possible to raise angel fry on LFF alone?
Next time I can put fry in the net against the filter current, this will ensure fresh water all the time but I need to know if I can raise fry on LFF alone. From what I red about raising angel fry, people use small containers floating in the tanks, so it should work.
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