all natural ich cure ?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 3, 2006
I've got an ich outbreak in my reef tank. I purchased some of the 100% all natural/organic ich treatment..says it's safe for reef tank, doesn't seem to be working. Has anyone tried this before.

Most treatments do not work no matter how much they say it does. Two ways that have proven to work are copper or Hypo. Alot of fish cant handle the copper so My favorite way that does work is QT your fish and hypo them and let your main go fishless for 8 weeks to break the cycle of the parasite. The get rid quick remedies do not work.
I tried some of the brown, spice-smelling stuff, when I had a basslet with a few spots. It did nothing. I moved him to a QT, used Coppersafe, but the spots still came back a month later. FW dipped him, back into QT.

Then I started running a UV, and haven't seen any spots since (2 months now). Mine was a very mild case, just one fish affected with a few spots, right after he was bought - I'll never skip QT on a new fish.

Maybe a combination of that stuff, plus UV to kill any free-floating parasites, plus garlic additive helped. I dunno. I've been ich-less (that's fun to say out loud) for 2 months now.

I pray I never have a bad outbreak.

/knock on wood
Ich Fix

When my husband brought home the biggest Regal Tang I'd ever seen, I figured trouble was on the way. In a week or so it was covered with ich and cloudy eyes. The cleaner shrimp couldn't do much. My husband suggested trying No Sick Fish's ich remedy. I'd done everything else I could, I didn't have anything - but money - to lose.

It worked. It worked beautifully without causing any changes in water parameters, did not harm the inverts and cured the ich. Highly recommend this product, even wrote a testimonial for it. You can order at

I`m glad it worked Lisa and your tank is OK but you were one of the fortunate ones.
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