All of the sudden a sand like dust appeared in my tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 29, 2008
Fort Worth, TX
Well I can't explain it but all a sand like dust particle has appeared in my tank and is all over everything. I checked the water parameters and all looks good, so I changed the filters out, although they were clean (I just changed then last week when I make a water change). I would take a picture but someone is using it. Does anyone have an idea on what it could be? :confused:

Thank in advance.
what kind of sand are you using? How old is the tank?

This tank doesn't have sand in it just pebbles. The substance I just saw looks like sand particles are gray color. I just did a 1/2 tank WC. Oh, I also noticed that the fish (2 Mollies, 3 Tiger Bards and 3 guppies) were hiding.
Is it possible the you have an extremely high level of ammonia that clouded the water and caused a bacterial bloom? Have you tested your ammonia levels? If not, I would definitely start there. Large and frequent water changes seem like a good idea here. Also, use a dechlorinator such as Prime by Seachem that will neutralize the ammonia and some other compounds that are harmful to your fish until you get this problem solved.
I think marchmaxima is on to something............It is possible that your dust is clumps of decaying debris that was disturbed and got into the water column and settled every where.............If you will look closely when you disturb the gravel, a fine dust like material will rise.
Sorry everyone had to work. I changed out the filter and removed 1/2 the water to see if it would help, well its no longer pushing out those dust spot, so it may have been decaying debris as you pointed out Dano01. I'll take a look at it again tomorrow and post the test results. I'll keep you posted.

Once again thanks.

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