alternative to live food

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 17, 2011
I have completely switched my fishes diets over to hikari for health benefits but u have a problem my red tailed barracuda will only eat live food what is a better alternative food to feed him other than rosies since they seem to carry diseases
For live foods.... home bred guppies, platies, shrimp, etc. What is in the tank with it?
You can also try live shrimp. They will love it and it will stimulate them at the same time. Keep them stress free on all levels, same as cats and dogs. We have to do everything we can for all of them to offer what their minds crave.
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The barracuda is in with a Senegal bichir that I feed hikari cichild bio pure pellets 4 harlequin barbs that eat the same a red tailed shark and 2 panda corys
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