HELP mandarin goby skinny

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 4, 2023
Hello everyone, I recently bought a Mandarin Goby for my year and a half 32 gal saltwater tank, for the past 2 weeks I've seen him pecking at the substrate and rocks all the time which I suppose means there are copepods in the tank, but still he seems to be very thin and seems to have gotten more skinny, and is not eating the live BBS I have attempted to feed him. Does he seem skinny or underfed to you? How can I get him to like BBS or any alternative methods of feeding? Any help appreciated! :(:confused:

Captura de pantalla 2023-08-19 a la(s) 21.44.15.jpg
The pic is too dark to see the important parts. You need to look behind the head and the underbelly to know if the fish is not getting enough food. Not all Mandarins will eat bbs so you need to offer other live foods. Invest in some good live copepods to offer the fish. (y)
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