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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 29, 2005
Ontario, Canada
I recently bought four female platies, and ever since the beginning I have noticed that one of them (who happens to be the smallest one) is a big bully. She constantly chases the other fish around the tank and head-buts them. I know this could stress them out or eventually kill them - what I find even odder is that she only attacks when I have the tank light on.

Well this morning I watched her go around attacking the other fish again, but then she nailed the green one RIGHT in the ribs. She was stunned and couldnt move for a few seconds - I think she was really hurt.

Today is Canada Day, so nothing is open and I can't bring her back to replace her until Monday. Right now, I have her in the net (she has almost no space to swim around) and I feel bad, but I'm afraid if I let her out she'll hurt the other fish again.
Am I doing the wrong thing? And do you think it would be safe to put her in a seperate jar since I don't have another tank?
Advice would be appreciated! I'm new with fish!

Will probably stress her out a lot in the net for an extended amount of time. I would get the biggest bowl/container I had and clean it out nicely put tank water in, add the fish and some type of bubbles or something.
I agree, move her to something larger. If you have a bubble stone, add that. If not, every now and then, scoop some water out and pour it back in to help aerate the water. You want to pour it from a little distance away to help create bubbles and pour slowly.
Or you might try reaaranging the tank a bit. Sometimes just changing the appearance stops a bully in it's tracks. Be sure to give the fish being picked on a hiding place to retreat to. :wink:
yeah i would do that first before moving the fish into something new, just move things around and they will all be confused at first then acclimate fine.... :D
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