Am I safe? (Canister Filter Related)

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 29, 2009
Several days ago I posted a topic about how my Eheim Classic Filter was leaking:

The quick release gang valves kept leaking at the point of connection without reason. I ordered new gang valves (without a quick release mechanism to avoid the leak occuring again all together) and it turns out that they won't work with the tubing I have. So, here's what I did: I went out tonight and picked up some new tubing at Lowe's (similair in size, a tad larger), removed the old tubing (including the quick release gang valves), and hooked up the intake and outputs straight into the canister – no valves or connections. The only disadvantage to this is that it will be a beast to clean and I have no way of controlling the flow rate.

Do you think this will be okay? I checked all over and nothing looks like it's leaking. All of the tubing seems like it's connected real tight. The flow rate is pretty strong, but I think it'll be all right. I placed the spray bar vertically this time instead of horizontally to avoid too much flow.

Anything else I should do or am I set for the time being? I'm just paranoid about the thing spouting another leak or exploding! :-|
Plain tubing without the valves would work just fine, until it is time to clean the filter.

Since you don't have any way to shut off the hoses when you disconnect, you will end up with the hoses siphoning water out of your tank when you disconnect them from the filter. A way around that is to take the hoses out of the tank first, then remove the canister (you still have to catch the water that is in the hose). Then it is complete priming after you hook it up later. It is a pain for maintenance, but OK otherwise.
Thanks a lot for your reply!

I figured plain tubing would be all right, but I'm paranoid so I figured I would get some reassurance. I suppose I could always keep my eyes open for valves that would work with my tubing. For now, everything is working great. I'll keep an eye on it.

Thanks again.
This is the second story I've read regarding leaking Eheim canister filters. I was thinking about getting an Eheim 2217 for my 125 gal tank. I've always used UGF in the past. Does anyone this a big issues for these filters? Are there better ones I should be considering (that are less that $300+) If I have a leaking filter that flows out onto our brand new hardwood floors...well you can guess what kind of trouble I'd be in!
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