Am Thinking A SW TANK!

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Fishy Aston

Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 17, 2012
I would really like a SW tank one day in the future but I am very nervous of the cost.

Also some of live corals I see are about £40! :eek:
Its not just like a normal decoration so if I had a absolute nightmare with the tank would the Coral die? Because I can not just let £40 slip away!

Also most SW fish grow big and I wouldnt be able to look after them. So is there a small fish you can still buy for a small SW tank. I dont have the money/room for a big tank even though it is easier with a big tank as there is more room for mistakes!

Just considering my options as I am going to buy another new tank soon and was thinking another freshwater tank or go for a challenge and go SW ?

All responses are appreciated.
Thanks Aston
Everything depends on the size of your tank. I've seen successful SW tanks from <1G to above 500G.

Just remember SW isn't a cheap hobby nor is it something you can only deal with once a month. There is plenty of information on the internet but the best advice I can give you is start out larger eg. 29G and up as they are a little easier to maintain than the smaller tanks.
Everything depends on the size of your tank. I've seen successful SW tanks from <1G to above 500G.

Just remember SW isn't a cheap hobby nor is it something you can only deal with once a month. There is plenty of information on the internet but the best advice I can give you is start out larger eg. 29G and up as they are a little easier to maintain than the smaller tanks.

I think when I master FW then I shall move onto SW!
Start slow and small! Then go up from there once you feel comfortable! The biggest mistake McLain75 & I did was go from a 35 gallon to a 180g in less than 3 months. We have had our trials and tribulations with it but is NOT something I recommend doing tho.
Good luck in your decision and have fun doing it!

~Mrs. McLain75~
Its not that hard. I was worried too when I started my first sw tank. Ive had fw tanks for 20 yrs and was nervous starting but its not that bad. You just have to do your water changes and maintinence more often and make sure water quality is good. Start with hardy fish that you like.
I think it's really easy. I started with a 75. And most saltwater fish do not get huge. Some are tiny like clown gobies
It's not hard. You Have to maintain it very well though. I think people say its hard cus of all the work. And it is a Ton of work to keep a reef up and going healthy.
Think of it as starting an intensely small garden where the plants can try to kill each other, a bit of planning and patience is a Bonsai start it off, watch it, maintain it and after a while it turns into something wonderful. But then it is a continuous responsibility to keep it going as it just gets better as time goes on. Just like a garden.
Small might not be the best way to start. Small SW tanks, especially if you intend to keep coral, can be quite a bit more challenging than a larger tank.
They are harder because of the instability of such a small water volume. Small tanks are not forgiving at all if you mess up.
But they also don't cost you the farm if you do screw up. My son started with a nano, against my recommendations, but it worked out great for him and he has just graduated up to a 40 gallon reef.
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