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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 30, 2014
I recently changed my filter cartridge and now my ammonia is at .5 ppm

What can I do?

Changed it because the cartridge was years old and I tore some old cartridge and put it on the new cartridge so there would still be some BB
Next time rinse the filter in tank water. They don't need to be changed out until they are falling apart. Essentially you just threw away your cycle.

For now keep testing the water daily. Any time you get above .35 ammonia or any nitrite do a water change to lower it

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The filter cartridge was about a little over 5 yrs as the previous owners did not know it was even there...

I feel so dumb

So i did 3 tests 1 out of 3 said .5 ppm of ammonia the others said 0
Eh, it happens. :) don't worry too much. Now you know for the future.

I would do a water change just to be safe. Then test it again in the am

I would suggest prime as a water conditioner because it also makes ammonia and nitrite non toxic for 24 hours. It's kinda added protection between the changes while in a cycle. If you left all the same gravel and decorations there is so good bacteria in there still. And leaving some of the chopped pieces from the old helps too. It shouldn't take too long for it to catch up

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API Master test kit

when i tested ammonia the bottle no. 2 spilled a bit more
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