An angelfish and Dwarf Gourami

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 15, 2013

Have read so much conflicting advice about this that I thought I would just ask myself.

I have a 40g tall with some rummynose, cory cats and cherry barbs. The tank is cycled and everything is fine.

I bought a tall tank because I wanted an angelfish but now wondering if I can have a dwarf gourami as well.

Many thanks.
I have successfully kept Dwarf and Honey Gourami's with Angelfish off and on over the past 30 years. Remember gourami's like betta's tend to have individual personalities so occasionally one can be aggressive. But overall I have not had issues keeping them with Angels.
Then I have has the opposite experience I have has opaline, blue, gold, moonlight, honey and pearl gouramis with angels and it never worked out in the long run.
In that size tank if you want to add a DG with your current angels then go for it. Everyone has different experiences so don't let that scare you off. You will never know if you don't try it for yourself.

Are your angelfish young or are the larger adults? This can also make a difference in how you want to add a DG. Also do you have a lot of plants, either live or fake/silk? Often just having the line of sight broken up in a tank with plants and driftwood can make all the difference in the world.

Honey gourami's I've found to be the most mellow of all gourami's but even then you can get an occasional ill-tempered male.

About a year ago I had 3 DG and 1 Honey gourami (all males) in my 220g that housed 12 adult breeding angels. There was rarely any interaction between any of them but my Red Flame DG ruled where food was concerned and wasn't the least bit intimidated by the large angels.
Just like rivercats said if you wanna try it do it. Just keep a close eye on things and see how it goes!
An Angelfish and Dwarf Gourami

Thank you for your replies,

I don't have either in my tank at the moment, but would like both.

The tank has lots of cover and plants at the surface so am thinking that I might give it a try and add them at the same time so they can grow up together. And I do have options if it doesn't work out.
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