Angel fish

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jan 3, 2015
Eastern America
A 25g is big enough for an angle fish right? I found a nice 25 that a grind of the family is selling and was wondering if that's big enough for one. I'd like to do a school of either neons or danios and a bottom dweller with an angel as a centerpiece

Keep calm and drum on
IMO I would say yes. People generally say no to tanks under 30g because of tank height. That looks fine to me.

Ok and would something like a blue ram do fine with something like danios or neons? Or would the Rams get stressed by them? (I don't plan on adding Rams until the tank is established)

Keep calm and drum on
The tank is 21 inches tall so I don't see an issue with that. I plan on using sand I got from the beach as substrate. Would that create salt in the water?

Keep calm and drum on
Angelfish would probably eat neons or danios. You could do platys, or maybe some peaceful fairly small barbs like cherry barbs. In a 29 gallon my wife and I had a centerpiece angelfish, a small group of platys, and some kuhli loaches for the bottom.
I've heard that if you put neons with young Angels they're fine and a friend at my lfs found me one about the size of a quarter so they should be fine. My main concern is the possibility of salt in the sand. I think is ok if I rinse it out but not quite sure.

Keep calm and drum on
Good chance it would harden the water, that would be my concern. Also, I think that's hit or miss as far as neons with angels raised together.
I agree with everything said above.

I have a ram in my my mother's tank and it gets along fine with the angels.

You could get cory cats as bottom dwellers they are cute and fun. :)
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