Angel laying eggs

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 7, 2011
Huntington Beach, CA
I was finally able to sex my two year old angel... when she began laying eggs! :) I didn't think she would lay eggs without being paired. Do they do this normally?

Also I know they aren't fertilized and will never hatch so do I just leave them or should I remove next water change so they don't decompose?

Thanks guys!


I was finally able to sex my two year old angel... when she began laying eggs! :) I didn't think she would lay eggs without being paired. Do they do this normally?

Also I know they aren't fertilized and will never hatch so do I just leave them or should I remove next water change so they don't decompose?

Thanks guys!

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Yes, it does happen sometimes that females will lay eggs without a mate. If there are no other Angles in the tank, Obviously, this has happened. If she were mated, the male would have followed her after she layed each strand of eggs and fertilized them. If that didn't happen, the eggs will not hatch and she does not have a mate.
The eggs will most likely get eaten by either her or the other fish in the tank. They are good protein so I wouldn't do anything to them unless they turn white and not be eaten in the next day or so.

Hope this helps (y)

You can follow a thread in this section by memeber AngelWings titled "Wigglers at last..." if you would like some good info on Angel rearing. ;)
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