Angelfish And Tiger Barbs?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 11, 2013
Can I keep them together in a 30 gallon high planted tank I have 1 rainbow shark 1 Cory cat and 4 tiger barb's.

Is this the permanent home for these fish or are you upgrading to a larger tank once they mature? 30g is pretty small for both a full grown angel and a full grown rainbow shark (both get 6+ inches and are territorial), even before you consider the cory (which needs a school) and tiger barbs (very nippy in schools that don't have at least 10).
First off, tiger barbs need to be in schools of 8+ to minimize aggression. Secondly, Cory Cats need shoals of 5+. Thirdly, Rainbow 'Shark's need 55-75 gallon tanks min.

In general, Tiger Barbs are VERY nippy, and usually don't get along with fish with long fins like Angels.
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