Angelfish deaths

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 28, 2012
I all was hoping for some help over the past 2 days I've had 4 angels die and I have no idea why. Water conditions are good as far as I can tell ( ph 6.6 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 10 i get the two nits mixed up sometimes but the one that should be zero is zero) my partner suggested that it could be some of the plants in there because they seem to be the only fish nibbling at the plants. As far as other stock I have a couple of danios some phantom tetras bn Pleco and 2 German blue rams all of which are doing great........ Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated

Also the tank is 320 litres or so
How long were your angels in the tank before they died? If not for very long, how did you acclimate them? Were the angels nipped at? Not sure if your tetras are fin nippers but I had some tiger barbs (I think they are tetras but I could be wrong) that were nippy so I got rid of them before they could do any serious damage? How longs your tank been cycled? What your water temp? Sorry for all the Qs, just tryin to assess the situation.
Yes ph is normally fair close to that mark, temp is a stable. Tank has been established close to a month now the angels been there 10 odd days. Temp is a stable 25c. No fin nipping observed the tetras are peaceful.
mohican said:
How small are the angels? Did u get them at same time?

Two different places at different times introduced a few days apart 2 small about an inch one medium 2.5 inch and one about 3.5
How big are the Rams? They can be a little aggressive at times - could have been stressing the Angels possibly.
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