Angelfish Fin rot??

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The power cord is at its max length. :( I normally have my heaters about an inch from the bottom. And Wow your tank is amazing. I'm so jealous. I can't wait to get some of that vallis. :)
Hi i shall P/M you once i sort some out:) The tank is in need of a sort out:oops: The shrimps are breeding like mad in there plus got some baby B/Ns in there,so the plants may have a hitch hiker or two:fish2:
I hope I do. The more little critters the better haha. I love B/Ns :D
I received the plants today (Thursday 5/1/12) and they look great. Thank you so much mate. I owe you big time!!!


  • ForumRunner_20120105_185556.jpg
    61.7 KB · Views: 63
Hi your welcome aquaholic(y) thanks for putting on a photo showing them in your tank(y) Looking good:cool: Keep you posted on the B/Ns and shrimps:) Hows the Angels doing?
Thanks mate. I can't wait till they spread out abit. The angels are doing great and growing supprisingly fast. :D
Do you have a high tech tank. I'm thinking of introducing a diy CO2?? What do you think?
Hi not sure if my tank is high tech as i do not have Co2 on my tank? My set up is basically a four foot tank,filtered by a Fluval 405 and a fluval 2 internal with a single heater. The substrate is Manado JBL i think? complete substrate with twin T5 lights 54 watts so quite high lighting,i also use plant fertiliser but only when i remember which isn't very often :oops: If i was you i would go for it and try a Co2 unit. The shop bought one's a crazy dear price though? But a DIY one sounds very feasible and defiantly worth a try:) Good luck and let us know if you proceed with the idea:)
Sounds pretty much the same as mine, same lights but i have a 305 and no internal but that is my next purchase, :D my only regret is not using dirt to give the extra nutriants. :banghead::( I'm deffinatly going ahead with the diy so i'll keep you updated on the progress if you like? Oh and btw the plants are looking great, I'm quite supprised none of them have melted so thanks again for some great plants!!(y)
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