Angelfish tank mates. Please Help.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 9, 2017
So I was at the LFS and saw some big white platinum Angelfish and few small ones.


I bought two big and one small and put in my 50 gallon. Now I want to add fish which will stay peaceful with them and will:


I am aware even tetras who are very peaceful can nip there fins. There fins are so beautiful so please suggest me what are my options for there tankmates. I have in mind.

Boesemans Rainbow Fish
Kuhli Loaches

Are the above fish compatible with Angelfish and also please note the ABOVE FISH I MENTIONED MIGHT NOT BE AVAILABLE AT MY LFS.

So my questions are:

1) Will the fish I mentioned above will be good Angelfish tankmates.

2) As I said I might not get the fish I mentioned above. What other fish apart from the ones I mention u suggest for Angelfish which will never nip Angelfish fins.

Please Help. Thanks.
Thanks a lot. Its a very very handy tool. I just want to know that in compatibility chart there are three kinda which I don't understand. Asian (asst), African (asst) and Central American (asst). I can Google fish from this category but I don't know if all the fish from African asst category will be compatible? But the tool said compatible.
Should be OK. I keep two Angelfish with 10 Blue Gouramis and they get along OK.
Thanks but I don't understand what they mean when they Asian asst. Does this mean all Asian fish? How so?
Can I keep Boesemans Rainbowfish with Angels?

These ones I mean. Are they nippers or no?
So I request Angelfish owners to post ur Angelfish tank mates. Thanks.
So I request Angelfish owners to post ur Angelfish tank mates. Thanks.
29g tank, 2 youngish Angelfish, 6 Albino Corydoras, 6 Brilliant Rasboras. I tried a pair of Swordtails, but the Angels were aggressive towards them so I took them out and moved the Rasboras in. They had already gotten along fine with the Rasboras in a different tank.
29g tank, 2 youngish Angelfish, 6 Albino Corydoras, 6 Brilliant Rasboras. I tried a pair of Swordtails, but the Angels were aggressive towards them so I took them out and moved the Rasboras in. They had already gotten along fine with the Rasboras in a different tank.
Thanks a lot. Very helpful.
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