another co2 question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 25, 2005
Knoxville, TN
Okay so i have a 55 gal. planted tank. I set up a diy co2 and at first nothing to a week later i took it apart tried a diff. recipie and different brand of yeast and in a few hrs i had bubbles and target co2 levels. That was yesterday and now today nothing. The bubbles just stopped, if i squeeze one of the bottles some bubbles will come out but then nothing. I tried adding more yeast and it helped a little but now still no bubbles. Should i add another bottle, add more yeast, more sugar, start over? Any help would be great! I am eventually going to go to a real co2 set up but i don't have the money for it right now and i want to see how it affects the plants. Thanks
it may be temperature, too mucuh yeast, or not enough sugar.. or maybe your bottles leaking?
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