Another freshy converting, 3 gallon build

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00youknowit00 said:
Okay! Also I'm getting some FREE :)D) rock tomorrow, when I put it in the tank, what to do, what not to do? Is there a right or wrong way to stacking rocks? Lol

Just make sure u leave a little space around the glass for cleaning and caves are good for fish to house in.
Picture time!!! :D this was right after I did it all, so its a little cloudy..




This is just what my friend gave me, I still need more obviously, BUT THE PROCESS HAS STARTED!!! :D
00youknowit00 said:
Picture time!!! :D this was right after I did it all, so its a little cloudy..

This is just what my friend gave me, I still need more obviously, BUT THE PROCESS HAS STARTED!!! :D

Lookin great! What lights are on? Is there antmy brighter white ones?
00youknowit00 said:
Picture time!!! :D this was right after I did it all, so its a little cloudy..

This is just what my friend gave me, I still need more obviously, BUT THE PROCESS HAS STARTED!!! :D

Very nice rockscape!
00youknowit00 said:
Picture time!!! :D this was right after I did it all, so its a little cloudy..

This is just what my friend gave me, I still need more obviously, BUT THE PROCESS HAS STARTED!!! :D

Atta kidd lookin good man!!!
Travis55 said:
Lookin great! What lights are on? Is there antmy brighter white ones?

redsea said:
Very nice rockscape!

Gboy66 said:
Atta kidd lookin good man!!!

Thanks guys!! :)

@Travis55 its what came with it, there was other light in the room along with it being cloudy, its bright. I'll get better pictures once its not cloudy and its night. And the bulb in it is half white, half blue. May or may not need different ones.
Leighton79 said:
If that's a monti cap as it appears, you will need some intense lights to keep it.

None of this is live, a friend with a 125 that's just sitting in his garage gave me this, its just a skeleton.
00youknowit00 said:
Fish wise I think my only option is a neon goby.

Well thats better than just a shrimp tank. IMHO. u could try and make a freshwater molly or guppy Saltwater.... i made a molly sw. Till my damsels killed it...
Got my master kit today!! :D tested ammonia, looks a lot different than it does with freshwater, is that suppose to be that way?

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