Another RO/DI question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 1, 2004
Do you guys use the following in your RO/DI unit?
Sediment filter, then the carbon block, then the High S resin block and then the High S Membrane (one on the top of the RO unit).


Sediment filter, then the carbon block, then another carbon block, then the High S Membrane (one on the top of the RO unit).

Im confused as to what all filters I should be running. The one in particular is the High S resin catridge?? Supposidly this is the one that takes out the PO4 and trates...
Sediment filter, then the carbon block, then the High S resin block and then the High S Membrane (one on the top of the RO unit).
That is the order I have mine in.
Ok so people do have a high s resin block in the line up...
So my next question is where is the cheapest place you have found that you can buy these?
I found the sediment filters and carbon block at Sams Club - a 7 pack for $30. Both of the filters are 5 micron!
Im looking to find a place to buy the resin blcok now at a good price
YIKES! LFS? I wish I could do that. Theres no way I would buy anything other than livestock at my LFS. All of the ones around here (for the most part) have the prices jacked up! Thanks for the info...
Any others?
I have the Mako unit from AquaFX, and it uses the 2 DI filters, 10" sediment filter and 10" carbon block- for all 4 items, it comes to about $50.00. they're found at

good luck-
Yes this is the lowest price so far when speaking of the DI catridge! Its $18.50 for this whereas most places charge $ thanks for the link.
glad to help- it's nice to be able to save a few bucks in this hobby!
And you have to for sure these days! You add up how much you spend each month and its crazy!! :p
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