any community fish ideas?

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Well I was reading and it said its a peacefully fish but needs blood worms or earthworns or beef for its food
It's a peaceful fish towards anything that doesn't fit in its mouth... Once it gets full size not only will it be too big for your tank but it will also have no problems eating those danios.
Then should I go with a dojo loach? Or can I get a dinosaur bichir?
I had a Peacock Eel that did well in my 45ga community tank but he spent a lot of time in the gravel and we rarely saw him. I think the Dojo Loach was too much competition for him. I've gone with color in that tank - Sunset Gourami, Rainbow & Buenos Aires Tetra, Golden & Cherry Barbs, Longfin Rosy Barbs, a Yellow Kili and a couple of Swordtails.
I highly recommend the Dojo Loach. Lots of personality and very robust. It was the first fish I paid for and is now 6 years old.
I have sand in my tank with some of the same fish as you
Go with the dojo loach. Dinosaur bichir have the same issues with getting too big and eating your fish just like the rope fish.
Dojo Loach all the way, the craziest fish you will ever own, bags of personality and if it doesn't make you laugh at least twice a day it's sick. I'm thinking about setting up a Dojo tank later this year, or weather loach as there mainly called over here - great for letting you know when it's about to rain!
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