Any cool fish you can put in a 10 gallon

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@Fishperson, I'm sorry but azmodan said 20L, which is 5 gallons. Your mistaken, he never said 20 gallons....
@Fishperson, I'm sorry but azmodan said 20L, which is 5 gallons. Your mistaken, he never said 20 gallons....

20L could be 20 liters or 20 Long (ie 30"x12"x12" footprint). The fish load you listed is a bit high for a 10 gallon, so I would assume azmodan was referring to the latter. The frogs alone need 5 gallons for the first and 2.5 gallons for each additional frog... They're very messy eaters. You can pull it off in a 10g, but water changes need to be 2x weekly to keep everything in line...
Yeah, sorry, should have been more clear. 20L typically refers to a 20 gal "long" and 20l refers to 20 liters.
I usually keep my bettas with 3 panda cories, 3 neon tetras, 1 bristle nose Pleco and Siamese algae eaters, I feed algae wafers and baby pellet food to keep them happy :) and sometimes a bloodworm treat
I usually keep my bettas with 3 panda cories, 3 neon tetras, 1 bristle nose Pleco and Siamese algae eaters, I feed algae wafers and baby pellet food to keep them happy :) and sometimes a bloodworm treat

Yeah,I agree with the cories, but the Pleco is too big for 10 gallon and betas aren't always good with neons because they have bright colors.maybe in a bigger tank but not a 10 gallon.siamese algae eaters also get too big
20L is a 20 gallon long, 30x12x12, and 20h or 20t is 20 high or 20 tall, which are the same they just some say 20 tall some say high. A 20 high has dimensions of 24x12x16.
here are some of my favorite choices when stocking a 10g with a betta!

1 betta
5 pygmy cories

1 betta
2 ADFs

1 betta
5 tetras
Fish don't hurt them, but the frogs do need some special feeding care to make sure the fish don't gobble up all their food ;) They also won't eat flakes or pellets, so if you're not used to feeding frozen or live food it can be a little bit of a learning curve. They're worth it though! I love my froggies, they keep going into the weirdest "zen" poses and are such adorable beggars at feeding time.
They seem pretty cool but im overstocked as it is so I won't be buying them for a while.Thx for the info just wanted to know more about them :)
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