anyone a doctor?- small update

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thats right beeyotch you get better b4 i call the cops on you

Awww thanks
I pulled an all nighter and cleaned house... and then crashed at like 8am so no doc today
I am, however, setting up an appointment tomorrow and maybe I can see the doc tomorrow or Weds (if I go throo the school its free... so im at their mercy as to when they set up an appointment)

my lymph nodes in my legs have almost disappeared but i woke up in pain again today

thanks so much guys for your prays and concern
i didn't mean to draw this much attention to myself... i was trying to be like "anyone know what this is before I drop a lot of money at the doctor" thanks so much for caring =o)
Are you by any chance on any kind of medication? The reason I ask is that I'm a type 1 diabetic, and just got put on an ACE inhibitor to help protect my kidneys. I know that when I got the prescription filled for the first time, my pharmacist mentioned in passing not to eat salt alternative products. That kind of freaked me out, so I pressed her further and she told me not to eat anything with added potassium because it can build up, somehow the medication doesn't allow your body to get rid of it or something (I was a biochem major, and ran fast from that, so now I avoid technical biochemistry type explanations, and just try to get the major important stuff). If you're on any medications, I'd check to see if there's any kind of reactions to the excess potassium/sodium or any of the other many vitamins and minerals slim fast adds, because I know slim fast has alot of added things in it. Good luck at the doctor, you'll be in my prayers as well :)
I went to the doctor today and I was planning on waiting to get all the tests back in.. but I guess I will let you know as I find out.
They are running 3, maybe 4 tests. They took a test tube+ of blood and found out that im borderline anemic and that I have a bacterial and viral infection-- thats just one test.
I will know the results of the others tomorrow and possibly thursday.
The doctor said she is testing my white blood cell count, if I have RA and something else. My arm is sore from where they drew blood =o(
Id rather get something pierced, that way I have more to show for it than a bandaid! (hehe j/p)

Keep me in ur prayers and hopefully all the tests will come back better than the first one =o)
you guys are all so wonderful
we want you to get better

also on another note

my dad went to the doctors today he has been sick for 3 weeks
he has pneumonia and he cracked his ribs from coughing so hard luckily its bacterial pneumonia and not viral pneumonia if its viral he cant get any medication so im happy cause he got medicine to get better :mrgreen:
This is a huge wake up call from your body telling you to care for it better! I hope with all the tests, the doctor is able to get you back on your feet soon :D
lyquidphyre, I had Cat Scratch Fever. No laughing it really is a disorder. I got scratched on my hand by a cat and the lymph gland under my arm swol up to the size of a golf ball. It was no big deal, really. I had surgery to have it removed, but no big deal. :wink:
The difference was that mine did not hurt. It could be that there are two different problems. The lymph glands could be from an infection. The pain in your legs could be from sciatica. Which is compression of a nerve/s in your spinal cord (a more serious problem) Yes you should see a doctor. Keep us informed
well I just read the rest of the thread. :oops: Anemia could cause cramps, but I'm not sure why it would be mainly in the morning. :roll:

*edit* I'm no doctor so pay attention to what he says closely
Well my other test came back... and everything is normal apparently- my cholesterol, glucose levels, she said everything was perfect and she doesn't know what is causing the cramps in my legs

The lymph nodes might be from the viral and bacterial infection I have

Im wondering if its my mattress thats making my legs hurt?
I was just going to post about it being the mattress. That is definetly a common problem... and just a coincidence that you had something going on with your lymph nodes at the same time.

I would see what you can do about trying out a different mattress for a few nights. Even if it's not something brand new (since you don't want to jump to that conclusion), sleeping on a different one might make a difference!

What type of mattress do you currently have and are you utilizing both a boxspring and mattress setup? It's possible for the springs in a mattress to wear to the point where they are no longer flexible and cause parts of the body to "sink" into a depressed area cutting off circulation. Did you mention this to your doctor?
I use both a box spring and mattress and right now. The box spring is fairly new (a little over a year and a half old I think) but the mattress we have had forever. but, at the same time.. my boyfriend isn't having these same problems and he sleeps there too.
I will talk to my parents about getting a new mattress and maybe I can pull out the couch bed and see if I sleep better there ... or maybe turn the mattress over or something
Yea. Well every person is different so he may not experience the same thing. It may be a combination of the old mattress, and the way you sleep.

I definetly agree though that the old mattress would sink, causing your body to be in very uncomfortable positions.

My water bed has too little water in it (haven't gotten around to fixing it yet) and on the weekends if I sleep late my back hurts when I get up. I was told by a doctor friend of mine that I needed a harder/stiffer matress. I don't think the sofa/bed will give any more support. Try rolling up a towel lengthwise and tucking it under your back. Add to it a little at a time till you find something that feels good. Lumbar support is what you are going for.
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