Anyone Got Any Ghost/Paranormal Stories

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 1, 2012
Drogheda, Ireland
Hey. I have an interest in ghosts and the paranormal in general. Anyone got any good stories to tell. Personal experiences would be great...
Here's one of mine....

We have a really old house/manor a few miles from my house. When me and my mates were kids, we heard a story about this house. We decided to head out to it and have a look. We cycled out and when we got there, we saw the grounds keeper mowing the grass. After baiting each other, I went up and asked him about the story/rumour. Bare in mind that 'old' stories like this usually get 'beefed up' to sound better/scarier than they usually are.
He at first denied the story and after begging him to tell me, he told me.
One of the owners, way back in the 1900's, was into the supernatural. She allegedly held séances in the house regularly. She became obsessed with the Weegie Board. She then moved into the dark arts and would sacrifice animals to Satan. Legend has it that she attracted 'bad' entity's to the house. She could attract them but not banish them. Over the next few years, she went mad. On the night of her death, witnesses allege that they heard 3 loud bangs on the door. It shock the whole house. Everyone was afraid to answer the door. The woman screamed out, "it's the headless man on the horse". She died moments later. When her family were paying there respects in the house, one of them noticed something on the steps outside. A horse's hoof inprint in the concrete!!.
I nervously laughed when the caretaker told me this. He then offered to show us around the house, we accepted. As we climb the steps, there it was, a perfect horse's hoof inprint:eek::eek:.

This imprint has been filled in with new concrete many times and everytime the imprint returns. A few years back, the latest owners had all the steps removed....
Wow, that sounds scary:/

Well, I'm the only one in my family that sees this, I see weird shadows in my house, and the curtains shake, my parents didn't believe me until one day my mom was going to take a picture of me , and the camera recognized my face, but it also made a square around one of my walls, I told my mom to take the pic, and sure enough, we took the pic, and when we zoomed in, sure enough, there was a face in the picture!
Once when I was spending the night at a friend's house in highschool I woke in the middle of the night and just felt compelled to look around the room. In the center of her bedroom there was a slightly transparent man with a sketchbook watching my friend and I sleep and scribbling away. I watched him for a few moments and then he disappeared. Took me a while to get back to sleep after that! My friend and her family had felt a presence in the house and particularly in her room since they moved in but I'm the only one who has seen anything so clearly. My friend would often feel something sit on the edge of her bed when she was in it.

Also, my senior year I took a trip to Germany and we went to Dachau concentration camp.the whole place felt very eerie, and in every picture I took there out by where the prisoners' barracks were had tons of little light trails in them. It was a clear night, and every other picture I took on the trip was normal. But the pictures from there are almost entirely obscured by tons of little lights.
Once when I was spending the night at a friend's house in highschool I woke in the middle of the night and just felt compelled to look around the room. In the center of her bedroom there was a slightly transparent man with a sketchbook watching my friend and I sleep and scribbling away. I watched him for a few moments and then he disappeared. Took me a while to get back to sleep after that! My friend and her family had felt a presence in the house and particularly in her room since they moved in but I'm the only one who has seen anything so clearly. My friend would often feel something sit on the edge of her bed when she was in it.

Also, my senior year I took a trip to Germany and we went to Dachau concentration camp.the whole place felt very eerie, and in every picture I took there out by where the prisoners' barracks were had tons of little light trails in them. It was a clear night, and every other picture I took on the trip was normal. But the pictures from there are almost entirely obscured by tons of little lights.
Wow. Goose pimple time!!!. Cool, I love it, keep them coming....
Wow, that sounds scary:/

Well, I'm the only one in my family that sees this, I see weird shadows in my house, and the curtains shake, my parents didn't believe me until one day my mom was going to take a picture of me , and the camera recognized my face, but it also made a square around one of my walls, I told my mom to take the pic, and sure enough, we took the pic, and when we zoomed in, sure enough, there was a face in the picture!
It certainly was, especially at 10 years of age!!!.
That's a cool story. Not to you of course but for other people reading it. Another one which is more personal....
My Granddad, who died 6yrs ago, aged 83. He was a very fit and active man. Wired my aunties whole house(new build) when he was 79!!. Anyway he got sick very suddenly and went downhill very quick. It was hard for us, grandkids, to see as he was always very active with us. When he got to the final stages of his life, he slipped into a vegetative state. We were not allowed to see him, as he didn't want us to remember him like that. My Mam, Granny, Aunties, Uncles etc kept a vigil by his bedside. He couldn't talk, eat or basically move at this stage. About 30 minutes before he died, despite having enough morphine to kill a horse, he sat up and pointed to the corner of the room. My Mam said the room suddenly felt so peaceful and calm. He sat up, pointed, smiled and said "Mammy, Daddy" and then slipped into a coma and died. My Mam said no one could figure it out. I got out the laptop and showed her stories of this happening to MANY people. It was his Mam and Dad coming back to bring him onto the next world. This brought my Mam great comfort, knowing he was with his parents in the next world...
PS...No one in the room saw anything but felt a strange peaceful calmness in the room.....
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I spoke with my friends wife about this. She is a nurse for over 20yrs. She has heard stories like this from families countless times. She even had a child ask her why there was strange people in the room, dressed in old clothes!!
My aunt passed away last November and something similar happened to her. At the very end she said my dad (her twin brother, who passed away more than 10 years ago) came and sat on the side of her bed. When my cousin told us that I got some serious chills. Also, after his funeral, the whole family was together sitting outside at the little after-funeral get together, and on an otherwise very still summer night, this nice cool gentle breeze blew through all of us. That was the only breeze the whole night. We all felt like it was him saying goodbye.
I just got this cracker PM'd to me and the poster asked me not to mention their name. If this doesn't raise the hair on your neck, nothing will....

"So I live in the middle of no where, woods on every side. Well, down here in ****, wolves are extinct, but one day, late in the afternoon around dusk. I was just taking a walk down are road over to a pond I fish regularly at. I immanently felt weird, like something was watching me but I played it off on nerves. Kept walking, stopped for a sec an took a breather an to admire the view. That's when the hair in the back of my neck stood up, I turned around an about 20 yards off was this huge wolf creature. It was just standing there watching me. Never looking away. I didn't know what to do, so about 5 mins after this staring contest, I pick up some rocks and chunked it at it. Paying no mind to the rocks,it still stood there staring. Then it just walked away very slowly into the woods. In the way home , I still felt it watching me so I ran back an got the saftly. This was around two years ago an I have saw it only once sense then, but I have found quite a few wolf tracks around the house, specially around or near my room. I still get that getting watched feeling every time I step out the door . Once my neighbors had some mean ppitbulls that they kept chained up, we'll the male got lose an it got ahold of my hand, tore it up pretty bad, but my mom thankfully shot in the side an it took off.
I later found the male pitbulls ripped apart in the pasture, it was bad....
That last post got me thinking. Some people might have a story(s) but for whatever reason don't want to post directly to the thread. I understand and respect that. Please feel free to PM the story, I will post it on your behalf and I PROMISE not to reveal/mention names. I will even edit out towns/cities if necessary....
Wow... That's something alright. I have chills!

Oh, I remembered another little anecdote. Once when my mom and I got home from vacation, when I walked into my room to start unpacking, I saw this tiny little ball of white light zoom out of my window and over my shoulder and past me before I turned on the light. I then remembered how my best friend (the one who's room I saw the ghost in) had asked if I had had any small fuzzy pets die recently, as she saw the same small ball of light fly across my floor one night when she was over and wondered if
I had a ghost hamster or something.

I hear footsteps in the place I'm living now, usually when I'm home alone. The creepiest instance was when I was reading a book in bed, and heard steps on the floor coming up to the door of my room then going away. I got really quiet and sat there as still as I could be for maybe half an hour before I got the guts to look out the door. I texted my boyfriend to see if he had come home for something, because he was off at band practice and might have came back for some piece of equipment but he hadn't. The chain was still on the locked door, too. That was a huge relief - we have had several break ins and I was so scared someone was in the house. But no, just phantom sounds. The friend who lived with us a year or so ago also said he always felt like there was something here, not evil but just curious. He kind of felt like if he looked in one of the mirrors at night he might see something looking back at him.
Wow... That's something alright. I have chills!

Oh, I remembered another little anecdote. Once when my mom and I got home from vacation, when I walked into my room to start unpacking, I saw this tiny little ball of white light zoom out of my window and over my shoulder and past me before I turned on the light. I then remembered how my best friend (the one who's room I saw the ghost in) had asked if I had had any small fuzzy pets die recently, as she saw the same small ball of light fly across my floor one night when she was over and wondered if
I had a ghost hamster or something.

I hear footsteps in the place I'm living now, usually when I'm home alone. The creepiest instance was when I was reading a book in bed, and heard steps on the floor coming up to the door of my room then going away. I got really quiet and sat there as still as I could be for maybe half an hour before I got the guts to look out the door. I texted my boyfriend to see if he had come home for something, because he was off at band practice and might have came back for some piece of equipment but he hadn't. The chain was still on the locked door, too. That was a huge relief - we have had several break ins and I was so scared someone was in the house. But no, just phantom sounds. The friend who lived with us a year or so ago also said he always felt like there was something here, not evil but just curious. He kind of felt like if he looked in one of the mirrors at night he might see something looking back at him.
That light could have been an orb. Some people say it's spiritual energy. The second story is creepy. I often hear noises like that in my house but as it's a recently built house, it's more likely to be settling sounds. I'm not one of these nutcase's that blames everything on the paranormal. Most scientists dispute the existence of ghosts because they can't explain it. They can't explain a lot of things and probably the biggest question. Where did life on earth come from??. That was not a question, I want to keep it on topic please....
The mirror story, reminds me of one.....
When my mates brother was about 5/6yrs old, his neighbour used to mind him after school while his mom was at work. One day my friends mom was collecting him and he said he needed to use the toilet. As they live next door to each other, my mates mom said he could go in their own house. The kid started getting a bit frantic. They had a bit of a row but the kid insisted on going in the babysitters house. Later that evening, my mates mom asked the kid, why did you insist on going the toilet in Ann-Marie's(babysitter) house. He said because Nana(grandmother) doesn't look at me in the mirror...
My mates granny died the week before:hide::hide:
That light could have been an orb. Some people say it's spiritual energy. The second story is creepy. I often hear noises like that in my house but as it's a recently built house, it's more likely to be settling sounds. I'm not one of these nutcase's that blames everything on the paranormal. Most scientists dispute the existence of ghosts because they can't explain it. They can't explain a lot of things and probably the biggest question. Where did life on earth come from??. That was not a question, I want to keep it on topic please....

Yeah, settling noises are one thing, but this had the cadence and feel of footsteps, and it sounded like someone walked through the kitchen, into the laundry area, stopping by the door, then walking away. I could feel the vibrations of the floor... I seriously thought a burglar was in the house, and I was sitting in bed with my book trying to figure out what to use as a weapon if the door opened. When I finally did open the door I slid it open and dropped into a crouch so I was blocked from sight by the kitchen counter.
Ok we'll I don't really believe in this stuff but heres my story. Back when i was first born me and my family lived in a home that my father had build that my large family lived in I am a triplet so I have two other brothers plus an older brother and older sister. Anyways I was never home when most of this happened because I was very sick as a baby and spend most of my first year of life in the hospital. But I got to hear the stories which are something. When my father was building the home he would be alone cleaning up and would hear footsteps up stairs go up stairs and of course no one would be there. It would also be freezing in the basement in mid summer which is normally is in the high 90s outside. We also had a bass boat and every other night my dad would wake up to the motor starting itself or adjusting its height by its self. One night he whent to the basement and saw the motor going up and down by its self. So he removed the batteries but it kept going. The scarest thing was when I wasn't home I was in the hospital. Me and my brothers all had different rattles that made different noises. Well one night my parents where waken by the noise of my rattle shaking its self and it wouldn't stop. Soon we moved out sold the house and built a new one to live in. The people who live there now haven't saw anything but I still wander what happened the the "ghost"
I respect your beliefs, fishguy. But those are some seriously 'strange' events...

Ya they are pretty odd. I still hear and see somethings every now and then but nothing ever like that. But yes that was freaky
That's crazy... Im not surprised that you guys moved. Hehe... The boat motor moving with no batteries reminded me of something funny. When I was younger and they were all the rage I got a Furby. When we moved, it got packed up and like many other boxes of non essential stuff it was left in the garage a few days before it got unpacked. Maybe a week after we moved we heard a noise from one of the boxes - it was the furby, repeating "Dance! Boogie!" over and over again. We took the batteries out and it still wouldn't stop for a couple hours. Just said those two words. The heat of the garage must have fried it's insides, but I'm still not sure how it kept going for so long with no batteries. Not paranormal, but very creepy. And really funny.
The first place myself, girlfriend and daughter lived in, was an apartment. We rented it, brand new, first tenants. Anyway the place never really felt odd or anything but a few things happened that I can't explain.
The sitting room had a solid door with a clear glass panel about 3-4 ft from the bottom. Every now and again you would see in the corner of your eye a shadow walk by. We had a large mirror above the fireplace, which allow you to see this panel. Not conclusive, I know but it would attract your attention. I would her noises every now and again. Again not conclusive proof but it got your attention.
Now I used to have my TV, Satellite, console controllers on the couch beside me. I have slight OCD so I like to have them lined up, neatly on the couch beside me. I am a night owl and one night long after my girlfriend went to bed, I got up to use the toilet. When I came back, one of the controls was missing. I didn't really think that much of it at first. After searching the couch, lifting cushions, moving the coffee table, even lifting the couch control. I then went out to the toilet, thinking I may have brought it with When I came back in, there it was, sitting right where I left it originally. I had no alcohol or any type of drugs in my system, nothing. This happened continuously. It got to the stage where, when it happened, I would say, "I want that control put back before I come back in". I would then leave the room and when I come would be back. It happened to other items in the apartment, keys, watches etc. I would just say I want it back and it would return.
One night while up late watching TV, I fell asleep on the couch with the TV on. I was alone, my girlfriend and daughter were not even in the country!!. Anyway, I woke up to a burning smell in the room, like a plastic burning smell. I noticed the TV was off but thought nothing of it. I checked around the room for the source of the smell and when I checked around the TV/entertainment unit, one of the plugs was melted. It was also unplugged from the wall. Now unplugging this plug was a pretty awkward job awake, you have to move the whole unit. There was NO way I could have done this in my sleep???....
My daughters room was directly across from the sitting room. It was very late at night, around 2am. I heard someone whistling. Like a whistle sound you would make to get someone's attention. It sounded like a child. I heard it a few times and got up, a bit annoyed, thinking it was my daughter messing. I went into her room all set to warn her and she was fast asleep. I knew she didn't do it. You can tell when someone is genuinely asleep, especially a child....
Oddly enough I never felt threatened/scared in that place. It was just like someone playing trick, never any malice. The plug incident certainly reassured any concerns I had. I had a friendly ghost!!!
The first place myself, girlfriend and daughter lived in, was an apartment. We rented it, brand new, first tenants. Anyway the place never really felt odd or anything but a few things happened that I can't explain.
The sitting room had a solid door with a clear glass panel about 3-4 ft from the bottom. Every now and again you would see in the corner of your eye a shadow walk by. We had a large mirror above the fireplace, which allow you to see this panel. Not conclusive, I know but it would attract your attention. I would her noises every now and again. Again not conclusive proof but it got your attention.
Now I used to have my TV, Satellite, console controllers on the couch beside me. I have slight OCD so I like to have them lined up, neatly on the couch beside me. I am a night owl and one night long after my girlfriend went to bed, I got up to use the toilet. When I came back, one of the controls was missing. I didn't really think that much of it at first. After searching the couch, lifting cushions, moving the coffee table, even lifting the couch control. I then went out to the toilet, thinking I may have brought it with When I came back in, there it was, sitting right where I left it originally. I had no alcohol or any type of drugs in my system, nothing. This happened continuously. It got to the stage where, when it happened, I would say, "I want that control put back before I come back in". I would then leave the room and when I come would be back. It happened to other items in the apartment, keys, watches etc. I would just say I want it back and it would return.
One night while up late watching TV, I fell asleep on the couch with the TV on. I was alone, my girlfriend and daughter were not even in the country!!. Anyway, I woke up to a burning smell in the room, like a plastic burning smell. I noticed the TV was off but thought nothing of it. I checked around the room for the source of the smell and when I checked around the TV/entertainment unit, one of the plugs was melted. It was also unplugged from the wall. Now unplugging this plug was a pretty awkward job awake, you have to move the whole unit. There was NO way I could have done this in my sleep???....
My daughters room was directly across from the sitting room. It was very late at night, around 2am. I heard someone whistling. Like a whistle sound you would make to get someone's attention. It sounded like a child. I heard it a few times and got up, a bit annoyed, thinking it was my daughter messing. I went into her room all set to warn her and she was fast asleep. I knew she didn't do it. You can tell when someone is genuinely asleep, especially a child....
Oddly enough I never felt threatened/scared in that place. It was just like someone playing trick, never any malice. The plug incident certainly reassured any concerns I had. I had a friendly ghost!!!

Wow. That's freaky
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