Anyone Heard of Marine SAT?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 8, 2005
Debary, Florida
I have heard of a product called "Marine SAT", which supposedly does a good job of wiping out hair algae. From what I can gather, it competes with it for nutrients-and wins. Does anyone have any experience with this, or know anything about it? TIA

PWC`s, feeding every other day and RO/DI water. Try these before you start adding chems to your tank
I haven't, but in general, if it is competeing for the same food source, what other harmful or beneficial stuff is it going to kill? I'm not sure, so if some one knows better please fell free to correct me.
What kind of filter are you using, what kind of sponges/bio balls/wheels? Lighting schedule, food schedule/what are you feeding? I feel it is better to treat the cause than add more stuff to try to get rid if a problem, otherwise, it will keep coming back, IMO.
I dose my tank with Marine SAT as a preventive measure. You can dose it for an existing problem or dose it as a preventive. As far as I know, Marine SAT is a bacterial culture, not chemicals, that break down the hair/string algae. It does take 2 or 3 weeks to work after the first application though. It's no magic bullet, but can help in the long term. But yes, to agree with above, It is better to treat the cause than the symptom.
Im helping someone out with their tank, and the hair algae is BAD. I, too, do not regularly condone chemicals unless completely necessary. It was my understanding that SAT is not a chemical, that is why I have interest in it. I am all for doing things the right way, but when it comes to hair algae, I am not going to fight fairly! Vile weed. LOL.
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