Anyone with Clown Loaches

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 7, 2012
Dallas, Tx
Just out of curiosity does anyone know of some "special treats" or interesting food to feed a clown loach? My girlfriend and I are super attached to our clown and want to give him a lot of variety. I've heard you can give cucumbers but I don't know how to prepare them. Anyone know? And any other thoughts or advice would be awesome. Thanks!
I feed my clown loaches cucumber. They love it. All you have to do is cut about an inch of the cucumber off and push some plant lead through it to make it sink. Our red tail shark loves it too but most fish will have a nibble.

Our clown loaches also love the tablets that you stick to the glass of your tank
I feed mine cucumber and courgette, I slice it up into segments and boil for about 10 mins, let it cool then drop it in the tank. Courgette usually sinks, cucumber you might have to wedge down or buy a screwcumber of amazon or eBay. You can do a whole batch at once and freeze the left overs and thaw when required. Boiled deshelled peas is another favourite of all my fish. The Clowns will sometimes go for it and other times won't be bothered, my dads won't go near any veg at all. Out of all the food I've used, bloodworms and tubifex worms seems to be the favourite.
Great! I just bought a cucumber, I'm pretty sure my clown will eat it, he's such a little piggy, I love it! Haha. I'll try the peas next, then maybe the frozen worm things. I have the freeze dried bloodworms and everyone goes NUTS for them, but I'm nearing the bottom of the can thing and there's a ton of broken up dusty worms in there.
Warmed, de-shelled, slightly squished peas. My loaches go crazy over them. Use fresh or frozen peas, not canned.
i saw a video on youtube a month or so ago of a guy feeding his 6-7" clown loach some type of huge tablet... any ideas what that would be? his loach LOVED it lol

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