Anyone with kindergartners?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
My husband and I are going to the open house next week for my daughter's kindergarten. She will be starting next year. As much as we would like to put her in private school, I just don't think we can afford it.
What I am concerned about is the types of things they are starting to teach kids at this young age.
I know that school curriculums vary depending on where you live, but are their any specific things I should ask / look for?
Has anyone had any problems with their school teaching inappropriate (in your opinion) things?
While my kidlets are older... I still went thru all that...
First, calm down... take a deep breath, and count to ten, both you and your "baby" will get thru this unscathed :wink:

a few things to keep in mind,
did your child go to any preschool? Im not talking the daycare types, but the true blue preschool.
My daughter hated Kindergarten, I finely figured out it was because she had been going to preschool for 2 years, and while the rest of the kids were working on 1-10, and what color blue is... she was counting to 100, and she could tell what shade of blue we were looking at.... she was board.
The teacher/school will tell you that the first week or two is a trial period, to see if that classroom is appropriate for your child. If a child has any advantages or disadvantages, they will then be placed in the correct classroom. Also take a good hard look at the teacher, most K teachers love the kids are not just doing it for the money, so they are truly concerned for the well being of your child...
If you cant stand the person thats getting ready to be your childs teacher, maybe they just rub you the wrong way... ask nicely that your child be switched...
IMHO about private schools... while if I could afford private school I would be sending my daughter, I also believe most are highly overrated...Keep in mind I said MOST... not all... I feel the biggest advantage is the smaller class sizes. Just because a person teaches in a private school does not make them a better teacher, and vise versa about public school teachers... it all boils down to the paycheck :wink:
Just pay attention to your child when they get home, the most important thing is that they are having FUN!!! This first year sets the tone for the child for the rest of their school years.
Also any school will allow you to "drop in"
just stop by and check on the class.... one way that I made "excuses" was that I got stuff for the class that was needed... I found out the only ball they had was a ripped up Nerf football... I went to Target and got a bunch of playground balls... so at least then it doesnt look like your just being nosey... Also very few teachers will refuse help in the class, even if its just one day a week or month. I know some jobs wont allow that to happen, but if you can, thats a way to keep an eye on your child.
Good Luck... it wont be so bad:fadein:
Just make sure you have a box of tissues & a camera. Then enjoy the peaceful time that you will have... it'll get better. I promise!
All good info from melody! My little girl is just finishing Kindergarten and she's happy to be getting out of school. The school where she attends is just K - 3rd and is very happy to have you drop in at any time. It was not nearly hs hard as I first imagined. Still every day I drop her off I still get a little sadness in my heart seeing my baby walk away... :(

Wow, that's no help huh?? :wink:
Another thing that is important with kindergarten is the other children in the class. Like Melody said, drop in and see how the children interact together. Some of your kids' first friends will come from kindergarten and if they don't "fit in", they will know it and not enjoy it. One of the biggest issues with some kindergarten's is that the teachers won't allow for "drop ins". I would never send my child to a place like that. My nephew is just starting daycare in a preschool setting. It's a private school that has a day care center where they start to teach children. It's basically a pre-pre-school. They take children from 15 months to 3 years of age. The teacher welcomes parents to stop by any time they want. They have a viewing area for parents only that has a table and chairs. Some parents come by and eat lunch and observe their kids in action. I'm sure not all places are like that, but, just something to look for. Also, one thing that I think is really a good thing is schools with a class pet. It teaches children responsibility. And, picking a school with a low student:teacher ratio is very important.

I may be way off base here, it's just that I've been reading articles about children in pre-schools and daycares lately. My nephew is like my own child and I try to watch out for things like that. HAHA. I even went with Mandi to the open house and the screening.
One thing I watched with my little sister is my mom would ALWAYS ask how her day went, what happened, what made her happy, what confused her etc.
Her first day of, i think 1st grade, her teacher said "Do this and don't ask any questions" and when my mom found that out, she switched teachers.
The bad thing now is you get a lot of young teachers that really don't know what they are doing.. or try to have too much power. Definatly do drop ins and ask your child a lot of questions.
All good advice above. Right now don't worry too much about "inappropriate" curriculum - the curriculum should be very appropriate, and, as mentioned, possibly a bit remedial if the child has already been to preschool.

The "inappropriate" things tiny kids are learning in school come from the other kids. This is not avoidable. Does not matter whether the school is public or private, religion-based or secular. The other kids bring all kinds of experiences and information, so when your child comes home it is very important to talk to them about what they did, who their friends are, and what they talk about with their friends. At that age they are still likely to be pretty free discussing their conversations, so establish this pattern early, because pretty soon they'll clam up about what the kids are talking about.
Thanks everyone! I am definitely tense about this whole situation. :cry: MY BABY :cry:
The thing specifically that worries me is, I am hearing more and more about sex-ed and books about same sex relationships being introduced in kindergarten. I think that is a bit young to be hearing about those things from a teacher.
I LOVE the "just drop in" idea. And I filled out papers to volunteer in her class.
The crazy thing is she is going be like "YEA Im in kindergarten" and I am going to need the hand holding. :lol: :roll:
She will be starting next year. As much as we would like to put her in private school, I just don't think we can afford it.

I went to private school
Best thing I did was to leave and go to a public school

I agree sum things don't need to be taught at such a young age, kids don't think that way.. Fair enough they need to learn, but why have a child wondering if his/hers sexual preferance is same/different sex while they're in kindy..
My children will never see the inside of a private school system..
anyway Thats just my 2 cents worth.
What I have found...
while I am NOT one of those people that thinks "Oh, that only happens in the city"
but its PARTLY true...
If that is something thats prevalent in your community... it might be found in the school system, If same-sex marriage is not wide spread... probably not. Ask her LOTS of questions, and answer questions, but dont give more info then is necessary to your child. While the last thing Im trying to do is tell someone how to raise a child... Im just saying what I have found that works for me :D
As far as the sex ed, Trust me, the school wont be going into STD's or to always use a condom. What they get into at that age is the idea that girls have "private/special parts, as do boys, and that no one is supposed to touch them there in a way that might make them feel uncomfortable. That its not acceptable to touch others there. That it takes a man and a woman to make a baby, but I highly doubt that they will tell them HOW its done...
In our school that was about it for the "sex-ed" for the first couple of years. My daughter is in the fourth grade and they are just now going into the proper names of "parts" ya cant go thru life calling it a Pee-Pee :lol:
UGH... I hope Im not getting to deep into this...

Oh and prepare yourself for her to take off and fly..... she will love it, while its sad for our Babies to grow up, take pride in what you have created. God wont give you anything you cant handle, remind yourself of that.
Melody said:
Be sure to post a pic of the big day :mrgreen:

My mother has a "first day of school" picture for EVERY year I've been in school, and im a Senior in College. There is no doubt in my mind she will want Stephen to take a picture of the first day I actually start teaching school, too. You moms are silly =oP *smile*
OMG it is definitely harder on the moms than it is on the kids! On the first day of school you'll see an elementary school bus, and a long line of minivans behind it, following it to school, lol! :lol:
OH OH That was me...
and I also have a pic of Caitlin every first day of school, Its interesting to line them up and see how much they have grown. The best way to see it is look at their back packs. In Kindergarten her back pack was almost as big as she was... now it fits her pretty well... I always stand her in the same spot every year to take the pic. One day I'll make a frame for it so all of them can be put together.
When my son was in kindergarten in Olympia Washington, the only problem that I had, was that they were not allowed to say the Pledge Of Allegiance. I thought that it was strange. Especially for an Army town.
That's interesting, lost, because in our public school system they say the Pledge, and at the beginning of every PTA meeting there is an actual prayer! I am happy as can be about that, personally, but I know this will probably be phased out before too long. I think we are a bit behind the times when it comes to this kind of thing.
mentallylost said:
When my son was in kindergarten in Olympia Washington, the only problem that I had, was that they were not allowed to say the Pledge Of Allegiance. I thought that it was strange. Especially for an Army town.

Wow. We used to live in Oly! And that is weird about the pledge. The open house for Ezra's school is on Monday, and I am sure my husband will be asking all kinds of questions about the pledge and other things that they will or will not be teaching.
our big girl went to Kindergarden this year.. last year was more eventfull.. Mom didnt like the little one comming home and telling us to "zip your mouth", shutup or anything that resembles shutup was not allowed in our house and we found out that the preschool teacher had this in her program... I thought that Mom was going to hurt her! The teacher told me that she had complaints about it in the past but only 2 progams in our district didnt have it in there's.. we desided to wait and put her in Kindergarden.. :roll:
Our daughter seems to be the troublemaker, she likes to socialize more than getting on task.. she doesnt like kindergarden because when she breaks the rules the kids point it out to her. she seems to be getting it.. hopefully..
i am 20, but i remember kindergarden... sort of. I knew how to read before i started kindergarden, but my mom told me she got a note one day saying
"Ashley doesn't know her Alphabet"
Turns out i didn't know what the word alphabet meant, becuase i had been taught my "ABC's" :oops:
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