aqua c remora skimmer

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 2, 2006
Rollinsford, NH
I just got my protein skimmer about 2 weeks ago. three days after firing it up, it did exactly what they say it does, it literally blew the waste out of my water. anyway, Thursday will be two weeks, and i've noticed that the foam is'nt even coming to the top of the cup anymore and there is an increase in micro bubbles. is this normal? I did throw my hands in the tank, to do a little rearranging about 2 days ago. I put the cup to it's lowest setting and still no foam. it just seems to hang up about 3/4 of the way up.

well, it's foaming again! is that how these skimmers work? obviously i'm a noob.
friend4fugu said:
well, it's foaming again! is that how these skimmers work? obviously i'm a noob.

Yup... that's how they work! Don't expect a constant flow of gunk in it. I've got the Remora also, and it has it's heavy days and its light days. Sometimes it's just based on the amount of dissolved organics in your water. Sometimes it's from something introduced in the water, like just a little bit of oil from your skin. If you really want to see it go wild, check it out after you take a turkey baster to your rocks and blow them off!

One thing you might do, if you haven't already, is clean out the collection cup and specifically the tube rising up into it. No soap... just water. As gunk collects on the tube sides, the efficiency of the skimmer decreases. I do this cleaning every week or so.
Good point about the intake tube, I've noticed on my remora too that keeping that intake clean is very important. Something else that also GREATLY impeded it's skimming was a dirty powerhead. Every once in a while make sure you take the powerhead off and clean the inside out. It'll get caked with gunk.

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