Aquaclear 50 back of tank clearance

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Jason the Lost

Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 16, 2005
haha, I feel like an idiot...I set up my 55 gallon and have an aquaclear 50 (I realize its a bit low on turnover, but its planted) on the way. Right now I have an old 20 gallon filter running just to turn over the water...and I realize....The tank is about 4" off the wall...FILLED, I totally spaced out on the clearance...does anyone have an aquaclear 50? Could you give me a measurement off the back of the tank...then I can figure out if I need to panic.
hmm, just found this on amazon...7"L X 4"W X 6 1/2"H with 2 1/2" of its width behind the tank. if this is true I should be golden.
Totally misread that. I was thinking price clearence, not space for the back of the tank, LOL
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