AquaClear vs Fluval

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Justme68 said:
I'm a newbie myself but from all the reading I've done on here everyone says the carbon isnt necessary. It loses its "stuff" rather quickly anyway. Also you don't need to replace the filter media, just rinse in old tank water. Replace when its falling apart :)

+1 to that! I have never bought new sponges. For my media I use two sponges and the ceramic pellets. Works great!
Very u sure about the carbon now! My two tanks both have a carbon filter and it seems fine. Idl though. I mean manufactures make it for a reason correct? Maybe I'll do one see how it goes and change to the other if I have to? Idk! Lol. I myself am a broke college student and aren't looking to put as much as a canister into it but I do want enough filtration for my tank. I've heard the fluval is louder than the aqua? Is that true?

My Fluval c4 is quieter than my Aquaclear 70 but not by alot...both are about two months old. The cheaper overall option might be to go with the aquaclear and not use the carbon, replace it with a second sponge which is $3 @ Petco
If you decide to go that way all u have to do is rinse the filter sponges every few weeks in tank water
Quest84 said:
My Fluval c4 is quieter than my Aquaclear 70 but not by alot...both are about two months old. The cheaper overall option might be to go with the aquaclear and not use the carbon, replace it with a second sponge which is $3 @ Petco
If you decide to go that way all u have to do is rinse the filter sponges every few weeks in tank water

I think that's what I'm going to do! It seems to be the favored opinion. And I like the idea of it.
Couldn't have said it better blert! (y)

I think running a tank without carbon will show no issues in the long run. Plus you save $$$.
caitlynnanne9189 said:
Looks like I'm going to order a new filter on Friday!

If you decide not to use the carbon be sure to store it in a nice dry place. It does come in handy if you ever need to remove medications or tannins from the tank.
blert said:
If you decide not to use the carbon be sure to store it in a nice dry place. It does come in handy if you ever need to remove medications or tannins from the tank.

What of I decide not to do carbon? Should I buy a carbon filter to have on hand just in case or just wait till I need it?
caitlynnanne9189 said:
What of I decide not to do carbon? Should I buy a carbon filter to have on hand just in case or just wait till I need it?

If you get the AquaClear it will come with it and you'll need an extra sponge.
I have an aquaclear 20 on the 10g right behind my head and all i can hear is the water going back into the tank :). I personally use carbon in my filters but i use it to get rid of tannins, i dont think it really helps much, or at all, for BB. Its nice to keep a bag on hand to remove meds and tannins though. The nice thing about my aquaclear is the ease of getting media for it. If your lfs doesnt have the aquaclear brand a lot of other refills will fit just as well. This is just my two cents though, hope it helps!
skywhitney said:
I have an aquaclear 20 on the 10g right behind my head and all i can hear is the water going back into the tank :). I personally use carbon in my filters but i use it to get rid of tannins, i dont think it really helps much, or at all, for BB. Its nice to keep a bag on hand to remove meds and tannins though. The nice thing about my aquaclear is the ease of getting media for it. If your lfs doesnt have the aquaclear brand a lot of other refills will fit just as well. This is just my two cents though, hope it helps!

Thanks!! I found an aquaclear 70 online for 35 but I'm afraid it's a little overkill cuz I only have a 20 gallon tank. Trying to decide between the 50 and the 70. I'll make a final decision by Friday cuz that's when pay day is to order it!

What kind of fish are you planning on putting in the 20g? Depending on the bioload you could be fine with a 50 on a 20g.
skywhitney said:
I have an aquaclear 20 on the 10g right behind my head and all i can hear is the water going back into the tank :). I personally use carbon in my filters but i use it to get rid of tannins, i dont think it really helps much, or at all, for BB. Its nice to keep a bag on hand to remove meds and tannins though. The nice thing about my aquaclear is the ease of getting media for it. If your lfs doesnt have the aquaclear brand a lot of other refills will fit just as well. This is just my two cents though, hope it helps!

Thanks! I will definitely get one to put in for tannins and mess but everyone seems to think its not really as use full as it should be and you guys are the experts! I'm gonna order all three media extra and then just see what happens when it gets here.

My delima is getting the 50 or the 70. The cost difference is minimal so that's no my hesitation. I just don't know if I really need the 70 for a 20gallon tank. But again. You guys are the experts and I was hoping to get a few more opinions before my final decision on friday!
If you have any plans on upgrading to a bigger tank in the future, get the AC70. You can turn the flow down to a reasonable rate for a 20g. You would be fine with the AC50 if you were not upgrading.
meegosh said:
If you have any plans on upgrading to a bigger tank in the future, get the AC70. You can turn the flow down to a reasonable rate for a 20g. You would be fine with the AC50 if you were not upgrading.

I do want to upgrade but idk if it will be to a freshwater tank. My heart is set one a 120gallon saltwater reef. But as I don't have the funds for that right now im trying to still have a beautiful tank and then one day when I have the money and the room to put it I'll definitely upgrade. I may do a larger freshwater tank. I was thinking maybe a 55gallon. Would the 70 work for that or should I just stick with the 50 for now on this tank
caitlynnanne9189 said:
I do want to upgrade but idk if it will be to a freshwater tank. My heart is set one a 120gallon saltwater reef. But as I don't have the funds for that right now im trying to still have a beautiful tank and then one day when I have the money and the room to put it I'll definitely upgrade. I may do a larger freshwater tank. I was thinking maybe a 55gallon. Would the 70 work for that or should I just stick with the 50 for now on this tank

I'd personally just get the 70 and turn the flow down. Never hurts to have the extra power in case you need it.
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