Aquari-sol requires carbon removal ?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 18, 2003
Japan (Ok not really) Southern California :)

I want to use Aquari-Sol once a week as a preventatibe measure to not allow the fish get sick too much. On the instructions it says to remove the carbon filter. Do i need to do this once a week to or will the carbons filter out the meds?


I am a fan of Aquari-Sol and use it whenever Ich shows up in my tank. Aquari-Sol is a copper sulfate-based medication and using it as a preventive medication is questionable. The build-up of copper in the substrate has the potential to cause problems in the long term. In addition, should you be interested in keeping any invertebrates like shrimp or snails, you'll find that copper-based medications are a bad idea.

Personally, I wouldn't use Aquari-Sol in the matter you're considering.
I agree. I wouldn't use a medication unless there is a specific reason (known illness, quarentine tank etc...). Just as in humans fish and their illnesses can get sensitized to medications and when you need them to work they might not. Keeping proper water quality is the best key to preventing illnesses in your tank. And of course inspecting your fish when they are healthy will help prepare you to spot any problems in the future.
Thanks for your responses. My LFS told me to drop the Aquari-sol in as it seemed liked there was some issues with my cherry barbs. (I think these issues are starting to come back. i.e. the one cherry barb is shimmying around the tank (not swim bladder disease though... I dunno what it is :S)

I've got a 20 gallon that I am trying to trouble shoot and these fish never had a problem in my 40 (but probably because the system is smaller and problems become more prominant)

The LFS said they use Aquari-sol initially when they get new stock in.

Thanks again. I will see what else I can do to keep the fish healthy (maybe something is wrong with the cherry barbs?)

What is the temperature in your tank with the Cherry Barbs? One possibility that sometimes causes 'shimmies' is that the fish have been chilled. You might try raising the temperature up to about 80F or so if it isn't already that warm and see if that helps the barbs.
Your fish store uses that med as a preventive med durign a quarentining process. It is fine to do that in your tank. I thought that you were planning on adding it all the time which is no good. That being said carbon must still be removed and copper meds can lead to a tank being useless for inverts like snails and crayfish and crabs.

But finding out what is wrong is the best option first. Raising the temp and doing water changes to assure quality water condtions is the best start.

Actually, I was going to do it frequently. But I won't :)

just the quarantined ones when that happens :S

I have my heaters set at 77 F. the other one is set a little lower in case one of the heaters goes out. So I should raise it to 80?

I also have 2 catfish and 2 Brilliant Rasboras.

driftwood as well. I made a cave and most of them like to hide in there for some reason :?:

any responses would be appreciated. So I should turn my heaters to 80?

the room gets about 67 or so at night but my heaters in the tank seem to do the job.

-Aoi :?
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