Aquaripure canister

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 27, 2011

There the link to the website. So apparently they'd filters remove nitrate from the water... Many of the reviews so they have little to no recordable nitrate levels. The only thing that doesn't make sense to me is for every action, their is an equal and opposite reaction. So what comes in the place of nitrates or is it just not important here. Anyways I was just wondering if anyone had one, seen one or anything one lol. What does everyone think? No more water changes!
Ya that is true, u was just wondering if anyone has purchased one or looked into them... When I do a water change, it takes about 10% for me do the vac. For the other 20% I just sit and watch...
I recently asked about this and one person who had tried it didn't have good results. I personally, started using Purigen in my filter and have seen a reduction in nitrates. Not a huge reduction, but enough to make a difference, as my tap water has about 20 ppm.
I didn't think so. I just don't understand where the nitrates go...if they did get removed. Wouldn't something take it's place
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