Aquarium lights on all the time? Good? Bad?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 14, 2011
Morgantown, WV
Is there a benefit or bad effect to leaving the aquarium lights all the time (24 hours a day) to the plants in an aquarium?

I just planted my tank and was thinking since they aren't established yet it might help for them to be lit 24 hours a day. Now, since I don't know too much about aquarium plants I wonder if this is appropriate? Thanks.
Believe it or not, plants need rest too. Algae will also get seriously out of control. Eight hours a day is plenty.
Blert is 100% right on and depending on the type of lighting 6-8 hours is generally all that is needed for plants and to keep algae at bay.
+1 here too. I actually notice growth the next day after lights out.
Give your tank and fish a break. Lights out is good for everyone. Trust me when I tell you, your tank, plants and fish will literally send you a thank you card in mail.
I just added 2 plants to my tank but don't need to worry about algae (uv filter + pleco) I have a 55g with a 48 in 2 bulb t-5 light 6,700k/ colormax bulb is 12 hrs on 12 hrs off ok?
In order for proper photosynthesis plants must have a dark period.

Plants do have a dark period and they have it whether there is lights on or not. This has been tested quite a bit with terrestrial plants by hobbyists who grow under artificial lights. Just hoping to give clarification as I understand it.

The biggest reason for limiting photoperiod is to inhibit algae growth. Also at some point you'd just be wasting electricity since they can only go for so long before going into their dark period.
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I just added 2 plants to my tank but don't need to worry about algae (uv filter + pleco) I have a 55g with a 48 in 2 bulb t-5 light 6,700k/ colormax bulb is 12 hrs on 12 hrs off ok?

uv and pleco does not mean you won't run into an algae problem. You can try the 12 on/off schedule but if you do start having issues don't hesitate to cut back to 8 on.
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