Aquascaping and plant suggestions

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 2, 2014
Northwest Florida
I have a 36 gallon bowfront with two nice pieces of driftwood, a java fern attached to the smaller piece and an Anubias attached to the other.

I have no idea what to do with the rest of the tank. When I get fish I want some plants they will enjoy, but I'm not wanting to go nuts either.

I have a banana plant that I think just looks cool and it's staying. Right now it's in the foreground. The other plants I have just do not look right in the tank at all. I have two more anubias that I planted on top of the substrate, rhizome on top, but am not sure if I should over crowd my driftwood and put them there.

As to the background.... Any suggestions? My lighting is the Current Satellite Plus, mainly bought because of the effects at the time. The depth of the tank is 15 in and it's pretty well lit for me, but I'm not a plant :lol:. I'm going low light with the plants to be on the safe side. Buying a new one is not in the budget anytime soon. Sadly, neither is the co2. The DIY method makes me think I'll end up with exploded two liters of sugar water all over my bedroom..... I'm not a good DIY'er. The already set up systems are WAY out of my price range.

In lieu of the co2, I am using Flourish and Flourish Excel, with some root tabs for the unknown plants in the substrate. My substrate is Caribsea Tahitian Moon Sand. So far, my java fern is looking great, the others were recently planted and seem to be doing okay.

I also have a bubble wand and a clam that opens and closes. My husband loves the clam, I think mainly because it annoys me LOL. Because I love him I'm thinking about leaving it in there despite its annoying plop-ing noise. (Trying to sleep at night with plop plop plop every 10 seconds gets old fast!) It's huge however and takes up space. Will either hurt the co2 in the tank? My surface is well agitated already from the filters.

Sorry to bombard with so many questions. Google and research is killing my brain.... I was thinking either Anachris or Wisteria would be a good background option... Do I have enough light for them?

Tank is almost cycled, so hope to add fish soon. I'm going to try and load pics this evening of my unknown plants for id along with the tank for thoughts. Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help!
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