Are fish foods poison to shrimp?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 17, 2006
Central NJ
When I read fish food labels and I found many fish food contain copper sulfate, the foods such as Hiraki flake, fancy guppy, micro pellets and many other wafer, pellets, etc. I know the amount of copper maybe trivial, but are they poison to shrimp with this tiny amount?
Basically, the amount of copper that will actually get exposed to the fish/inverts is so small I doubt it's even detectable. Chances are you are already exposing your shrimp to some form of copper and just don't realize it. Either through tap water or if you added any rocks/wood, etc.

I wouldn't worry about it at all.
Don't worry. The amount of copper sulfate in fish food is incredibly miniscule - it's added to provide complete nutrition since fish require trace amounts of copper to survive. Good question, though!
You probably have more copper in your water supply than a whole bag of food. The food won't bother them (my ghost shrimp love the staple flake food and turn the color of the flake), and the Prime or other water conditioner will take care of the tap water metals.
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