Are my guppies sick? Help!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 13, 2019

I just purchased 3 guppies for my new aquarium. I used declorinator and cycled the water. Added plants, heater and filter etc.

The first day I got them they were all energetic and swimming all over. Now one day later the two females and male seem to be hiding. The females are definitely pregnant but the male is hiding and staying low to the ground too.

The temperature is fine and I used the correct amount of declorinator. Please Help!

Do you know what your water parameters are?


What size is your tank?

How long was the filter cycling?

I would do a 50% pwc - keep an eye out for when the Guppy has the babies, not to suck them, or scoop them out.

If they perk up after the pwc, you will know that the water quality is an issue.

Do another 50% pwc about 12-24 hours later.

Feed slowly just a little at a time what they will eat, and not too much. Best to do 2 half amounts of feeding 2x per day.

Good article about getting started in aquarium keeping - link in my signature.

Has what is called Fish-In cycling and another too
I just learned about cycling but I already have fish. What now?! - Aquarium Advice
Fish-in Cycling: Step over into the dark side - Aquarium Advice
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