* Ares * the Super Amazing Beta!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 19, 2011
Outside Omaha Nebraska
This Is going to be a thread dedicated to him because he is just an awesome fish and very entertaining.. Just a little info on him.
- Is a blue and purple crowntail with pink tips
- is in a ten gallon
- with an ADF ( They are friends :). )
- when I make kissy faces at him he swims up and does it back
- usually when I say picture he will flare for a second and I can take a good pic.
- he follows my finger along the glass.
-just an awesome sweet fish! :D
Love the little guy! He's just so cute!!!!
Hooray bettas! They are an underdog in the fish world, but I think they are some of the best choices. I have three and I love my boys<3

He is very pretty little guy!
maddybrat said:
This one shows his tips a little better., I have to use my phone than email to my iPod then upload.. Haha :D

The pink tips are awesome!
Actually, I have always gone for the bad-looking ones. I do a little betta rescue. My three that I have at my apartment were all pretty ugly when I picked them up. One of them, my sunshine betta, is still the "ugliest" sunshine I've ever seen, never colored up properly. Anyways, sorry for stealing your post. Put up more pictures! Its nice to see people dote upon their bettas.
I will tomorrow.. Right now he is getting annoyed by me trying to take pictures
Lol. And who couldn't love them? When I was a kid I had betas. I had one and she was a baby when I got her and she live about 2.6 years! She also developed a spinal issue.
Wow. That's a good lifespan for bettas, especially with a spinal issue. I've read about people keeping them for 10+ years, usually plakats though. The longest I've known of was my boyfriend's favorite Finly. He was over five years when he got murdered by an evil gold gourami. For some stupid reason he put his betta into his Asian "commuinty" tank.

Baby bettas are my favorite. My sorority was all baby girls until one turned rogue...

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