Arowana Replacement?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 16, 2012
So Flo
Are there any fish that are similiar to Arowana or would make a good large centerpiece fish? I have a 150 gallon tank and would really like to get an Arowana but don't want to cram one in there. Any suggestions? How big do lungfish get?
bud29 said:
Look in to Apollo Sharks. They grow to 10" though so you would need a lot of room in your tank for one.

They look similar to Arows. Are they related and predatory?
Not sure if they are related, and I think they are predatory. I don't know that much about them, I was just introduced to them yesterday myself. I think Chiroptera is getting some for her future tank because they look like Arowana.
I don't know much about lung fish but they get huge! I have seen them eating dead rabbits on YouTube o.0
Yeah just checked they get bigger than Arows... I guess I could just stick with ID Sharks.
I like those but the problem is I've never seen them at any fish store and the place I looked at online doesn't have them.
vanimal said:
What is the smallest Arowana anyways?? A Jardini?

Hahahaha small Arowana. You're a funny guy :)

Jardinis (my favorite Arowana beside Asian) can grow up to like...2.5 feet...

Lungfish will also get massive!

Granted, both of these fish will take time to reach such massive proportions.

If you want something like a Lungfish, may I suggest something like a Polypterus species? (Favorite fish all time)
Thanks Predfan I think I just might get an Arowana and try and look for a tank to upgrade to while my fish is growing. The tank is 6 feet long and 18 inches thick so what type of Arowana would last in their the longest?(150 gallons) It's between a Jardini and a Silver Arowana. Also what do they eat??
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