Asking for help on mechanical filteration

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 26, 2004
Alright guys how are you all doing?? My name is Derek and I am finishing up the set up work on my 200 gallon aquarium (its only taken about 3 months for setup already!!) I have already got my chemical filtration (Aquac EV 180) and I am going to purchase 150 pounds on some Fiji and base Live rock. My question has to do with my mechanical filtration to help trap and remove the solids in my aquarium. Know I know it would be an excellent idea to get a sump, wet dry, fuge, etc. but I cannot afford to have this overflow at all!! There is no room for error....the aquarium is on the second floor and it CANNOT OVERFLOW!! So what is my next best solution?? Can i go with so cantister filters and work efficitively on this huge aquarium?? I was thinking about some external power filters but I fell that they would be greatly underpowered for an aquarium my size. If I cannot use a canister filter for my aquarium what else is out there for me to use?? I am really looking for any suggestions other than saying that I should get a wet dry and hide everything in there. I will do that but that is my absolute last alternative and i mean LAST alternative. If your suggestion is for a sump, can you help by providing info on how not to get a sump to overflow...not even once. I appreciate you all for spending your time on reading this and I thank you for any help you might provide in the future. Thanks again.

well i have a sump and have not had it over flow. you just ahve to make sure that you have a little hole in the outlet to suck air in when the pump kills. then the oiver flow will remove water till it is below the level of the teeth. and that water will justr sit in the sump. when you fill it you just have to make sure that you have room for water to fill up if the power fales. i just test mine every once a wile just to make sure it still works.
u can use a sump like warorks15 said all u need to do is have a hole in your return line to prevent a backwards siphon. the hole creates a break in the siphon so it will only drain until the break point. another good way is to have your return hose connected to a u tube of some sort. u can make this out of pvc quite easily, and can make it to any size/length you want. have it end near the top of the tank or whatever level you want the siphon to break. if you were ever to get a backwards siphon it will siphon to the water level and the tube and stop. just make sure your sump can handle the extra water that would siphon out of the main tank. plumbed and set up properly it will never overflow. just be sure u dont have any leaks...
Any suggestions about the canister or anything other than the sump?? Or do I pretty much haveto go with the sump?? Thanks again


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